#!/usr/bin/env ruby # static HTML comments, by Derek Sivers. Article: https://sive.rs/shc require 'pg' DB = PG::Connection.new(dbname: 'test', user: 'tester') BASEDIR = '/var/www/htdocs/commentcache/' # directory in your web root # a single comment list entry, used in ol map, below def li(row) '
  • %s (%s)


  • ' % [row['name'], row['created_at'], row['comment']] end # top-level map of database rows into HTML list def ol(rows) rows.inject('') {|html, row| html += li(row) ; html} end # write comments to disk for this URI def save_comments(uri) rows = DB.exec_params("select name, created_at, comment from comments where uri = $1 order by id", [uri]).to_a File.open(BASEDIR + uri, 'w') do |f| f.puts ol(rows) end end # first write them all DB.exec("select distinct(uri) from comments").each do |r| save_comments(r['uri']) end # listen for changes. re-write when changed DB.exec('listen comments_changed') while true do DB.wait_for_notify do |event, pid, uri| save_comments(uri) end end