#!/bin/sh # by Derek Sivers # Updated: 2024-10-23 mainly to use smtp2go.com # INSTALL: cd /root ; ftp https://sive.rs/ti.sh ; sh ti.sh # README: https://sive.rs/ti if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 || $(uname) != "OpenBSD" ]]; then echo "must be run as root on OpenBSD 7.6 at Vultr.com" exit 1 fi # tiny files where your answers are saved, so you can run this again and not answer again # to add another user, do `rm /root/my/user*` then run this script again mkdir -p /root/my function my { echo "/root/my/$1" } # INITIAL SETUP if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/curl ]; then echo "updating..." syspatch # disable IPv6 and sound rcctl disable slaacd sndiod # shorten motd for future logins cat /etc/motd | head -3 | grep -v '^$' > /tmp/motd mv /tmp/motd /etc/motd # install needed software pkg_add curl rsync--minimal radicale-2.1.12p7 links mutt--sasl dovecot- fi # download config files set -A a pf.conf httpd.conf relayd.conf acme-client.conf .muttrc .mailcap smtpd.conf dovecot.conf rander.pl hello.txt hello.pdf derek.jpg guitar.mp3 ymap.mp4 for x in "${a[@]}"; do if [ ! -f $x ]; then ftp https://sive.rs/file/$x fi done if [ -f pf.conf ]; then mv pf.conf /etc/pf.conf pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf fi # DOMAIN? if [ -f $(my domain) ]; then domain=$(cat $(my domain)) else printf "Your domain name? " read ui # strip whitespace, convert to lowercase, and remove 'www.' prefix domain=$(echo "$ui" | tr -d '[:space:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/^www\.//') # save to a file for next time echo $domain > $(my domain) fi # USERNAME? if [ -f $(my user) ]; then user=$(cat $(my user)) else printf "Your user name? (one lowercase word, no spaces): " read ui # strip whitespace, convert to lowercase, and remove all but a-z and 0-9 user=$(echo "$ui" | tr -d '[:space:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/[^a-z0-9]//g') # save to a file for next time echo $user > $(my user) fi # DOMAIN AND USER OK? if [ ! -f $(my userok) ]; then echo "Email and login will be $user@$domain" printf "Does that look right? (y/n) " read ui # strip whitespace, convert to lowercase, get just first letter yn=$(echo "$ui" | tr -d '[:space:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -c1-1) if [ $yn == "y" ]; then # touch file for next time touch $(my userok) else rm $(my domain) $(my user) echo "Please run this script again." exit 1 fi fi # FULL NAME? if [ -f $(my userfullname) ]; then name=$(cat $(my userfullname)) else printf "Your full name? " read name # save to a file for next time echo "$name" > $(my userfullname) fi # IP ADDRESS? if [ -f $(my ip) ]; then ip=$(cat $(my ip)) else ip=$(ifconfig vio0 | grep inet | awk '/inet/ {print $2}') # alternate: curl -s icanhazip.com # save to a file for next time echo $ip > $(my ip) fi echo "IP address is $ip" # ADD USER if [[ ! -d /home/$user ]]; then echo "Create a secret password for $user, for login and email:" groupadd $user useradd -b /home -g $user -k /etc/skel -L staff -s /bin/ksh -d /home/$user -m -c "$name" $user passwd $user cat /root/.ssh/authorized_keys >> /home/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys echo "permit nopass $user" >> /etc/doas.conf printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "TEST #1: LOG IN" echo "Open a NEW terminal window on your computer, and type this:" echo "ssh $user@$ip" echo "" echo "It should say 'OpenBSD 7.6 (GENERIC.MP)' and 'Welcome to OpenBSD'." echo "After that works, come back to this terminal window." printf "I'll wait" loggedin="" while [[ $loggedin == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 3 loggedin=$(w|grep ^$user) done echo "YOU DID IT! Logging out that user now, because it's time for..." # find new user's SSH session and kill it to log them out pid=$(ps aux|grep sshd|grep ^$user|tail -1|awk '{print $2}') kill -HUP $pid echo "PasswordAuthentication no" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config rcctl restart sshd printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "TEST #2: LOG IN WITHOUT A PASSWORD" echo "Because I just disabled passwords, for super-security, make sure you can" echo "log in with your SSH public key." echo "Back in that other terminal window on your computer, login again like this:" echo "ssh $user@$ip" echo "" echo "Again, it should say 'OpenBSD 7.6 (GENERIC.MP)' and 'Welcome to OpenBSD'." echo "" # if trouble: # sed -i "s/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config # rcctl restart sshd echo "If it doesn't work, hit Ctrl-C here and use root user to copy the contents" echo "of your SSH public key (id_ed25519.pub) into /home/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys" printf "Waiting" loggedin="" while [[ $loggedin == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 3 loggedin=$(w|grep ^$user) done echo "YOU DID IT! Logging out that user again." # find new user's SSH session and kill it to log them out pid=$(ps aux|grep sshd|grep ^$user|tail -1|awk '{print $2}') kill -HUP $pid # SECURE LOGIN sed -i "s/RootLogin yes/RootLogin no/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config rcctl restart sshd echo "I have disabled the root user, for security, so NEVER LOG IN AS 'root' AGAIN." echo "Only log in as $user from now on." echo "To run a super-user (root) command, just type 'doas' before it." fi # VULTR API KEY? # file contains their previous answer if [ -f $(my vultr) ]; then vultrapi=$(cat $(my vultr)) else printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "YOU NEED TO DO THIS NOW:" echo "1. Log in to your account at vultr.com" echo "" echo "2. Go to https://my.vultr.com/settings/#settingsapi" echo "(Or to get there: on the far left, click 'Account'" echo "then to the right of it, click 'API' 3rd from bottom.)" echo "" echo "3. Under 'Access Control', under 'Enter your IPv4', add this:" echo "$ip / 32" echo "... then click the [Add] button" echo "" printf "4. Under 'Personal Access Token', copy your API key and paste it here: " # Repeat until correct API and Access Control apiok="" while [[ $apiok != "200" ]]; do read ui # strip whitespace vultrapi=$(echo "$ui" | tr -d '[:space:]') # if API key works, gets "200" HTTP response code apiok=$(curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{http_code}' "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi") if [[ $apiok == "200" ]]; then echo "API works!" # save to a file for next time echo $vultrapi > $(my vultr) # ADD DOMAIN NOW domainadded=$(curl -o /dev/null -s -w '%{http_code}' "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains/$domain" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi") # if domain is in DNS already, the API returns "200" HTTP response code if [[ $domainadded == "200" ]]; then echo "$domain is in Vultr DNS already." echo "Assuming this is from a previous installation, I'll delete the previous entries now and start fresh, OK?" echo "Hit [enter] if this is OK, or hit Ctrl-C now to stop and re-start the script." read ui res=$(curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains/$domain" -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi") fi echo "Adding $domain to Vultr DNS. A, CNAME, and MX to $ip." res=$(curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"domain\":\"$domain\", \"ip\":\"$ip\"}") else echo "Sorry. It's not authorizing. See steps 3 and 4, above." echo "Under 'Access Control', make sure it says $ip/32" printf "And copy+paste your long API key here: " fi done fi # WHICH INSTANCE ID? ("instance" is Vultr's name for this server) if [ -f $(my instance) ]; then instance=$(cat $(my instance)) else # JSON, so put each { on new line, grep for line with this IP address, then awk to extract "id":"id-is-here" instance=$(curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/instances" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi" | perl -pe 's/{/\n{/g' | grep $ip | awk -F'"id":"|"' '/"id":"/ {print $2}') echo "Saving your server ID ($instance), and adding reverse DNS." echo $instance > $(my instance) # SET REVERSE DNS: ($ip = $domain) res=$(curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/instances/$instance/ipv4/reverse" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"ip\":\"$ip\", \"reverse\":\"$domain\"}") fi # STORAGE: if [ ! -f $(my storageno) ]; then # check each time in case they added new storage sd1=$(disklabel sd1 2>&1) if [[ $sd1 == *"Device not configured"* ]]; then echo "You do not have 'Block Storage' attached to this server." printf "Do you want encrypted file storage? (y/n) " read ui yn=$(echo "$ui" | tr -d '[:space:]' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | cut -c1-1) if [ $yn == "n" ]; then touch $(my storageno) else # Find unattached block: (separate JSON, grep for empty instance, awk to get ID) bid=$(curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/blocks" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi" | perl -pe 's/{/\n{/g' | grep '"attached_to_instance":""' | head -1 | awk -F'"id":"|"' '/"id":"/ {print $2}') if [[ $bid == "" ]]; then echo "You don't have any available Block Storage. See https://sive.rs/ti" echo "Deploy Block Storage at https://my.vultr.com/blockstorage/ then run this script again." exit 1 else # echo "Block ID $bid. Instance ID $instance. You don't need this info." res=$(curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/blocks/$bid/attach" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $vultrapi" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"instance_id\":\"$instance\", \"live\":true}") # Prompt then reboot printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "COME BACK TO CONTINUE:" echo "Storage attached, but now it needs to reboot, since it looks for storage at boot time." echo "After it reboots, wait a minute then type this to continue:" echo "ssh $user@$ip" echo "doas su" echo "cd" echo "sh ti.sh" echo "# OK? Hit [enter] now to let it reboot." read ui touch $(my rebooted) reboot exit 0 fi fi elif [[ $sd1 == *"duid: 0000000000000"* ]]; then echo 'RAID *' | disklabel -wAT- sd1 echo "Make a password for your encrypted storage:" bioctl -c C -l sd1a softraid0 echo '/ *' | disklabel -wAT- sd2 newfs sd2a mount /dev/sd2a /mnt chown -R $user:$user /mnt chmod 770 /mnt fi fi # TEST STORAGE if [[ ! -f $(my storageno) && ! -f $(my storageok) ]]; then echo '#!/bin/sh\ndoas bioctl -c C -l sd1a softraid0\ndoas mount /dev/sd2a /mnt\nls -l /mnt' > /usr/local/sbin/m echo '#!/bin/sh\ndoas umount /mnt\ndoas bioctl -d sd2\necho "unmounted"' > /usr/local/sbin/m-x chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/m /usr/local/sbin/m-x echo "Testing that your encrypted storage works." # if not mounted already, mount it res=$(df|grep '/mnt$') if [[ $res == "" ]]; then echo "Your encrypted storage password:" bioctl -c C -l sd1a softraid0 mount /dev/sd2a /mnt chown -R $user:$user /mnt fi uploaded=$(ls /mnt) if [[ $uploaded != "" ]]; then echo "You've already uploaded to /mnt so we're good." else printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "Back on the Tech Independence web page: https://sive.rs/ti" echo "Put $domain and $user into CUSTOMIZE THESE INSTRUCTIONS." echo "Then see the section called USE YOUR ENCRYPTED STORAGE." echo "Use rsync or FreeFileSync (or scp or sftp or WinSCP) to upload." printf "Now upload anything to $user@$ip:/mnt/ while I wait" while [[ $uploaded == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 3 uploaded=$(ls /mnt) done echo "YOU DID IT!" fi # echo "Unmounting encrypted storage now." # umount /mnt # bioctl -d sd2 touch $(my storageok) fi if [ ! -f $(my rebooted) ]; then echo "Your server needs to reboot now, to apply the initial syspatch." echo "AFTER IT REBOOTS, TYPE THIS FROM YOUR TERMINAL TO LOG IN AGAIN:" echo "ssh $user@$ip" echo "" echo "AFTER LOGGING IN, TYPE:" echo "doas su" echo "cd" echo "sh ti.sh" echo "" echo "... so we can continue, OK? Hit [enter] now to reboot." read ui touch $(my rebooted) reboot exit 0 fi ## STUFF AFTER THIS NEEDS DNS / DOMAIN RESOLVING, so.... # NAMESERVERS HERE? ns=$(nslookup -type=NS $domain) if [[ $ns == *ns1.vultr.com* && $ns == *ns2.vultr.com* ]]; then echo "$domain nameservers are set to vultr.com." elif [[ $ns == *SERVFAIL* ]]; then echo "$domain nslookup returning mysterious 'SERVFAIL'" echo "Next steps might or might not work! If not, try again later." else printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "YOU NEED TO DO THIS NOW:" echo "1. Log in to the website where you registered your $domain domain name." echo "(Example: godaddy.com namecheap.com porkbun.com bookmyname.com)" echo "" echo "2. Edit the DNS Name Servers (NS)" echo "They are currently set to:" echo "$ns" | awk -F'nameserver = ' '/nameserver = / {print $2}' | grep -v '^$' echo "" echo "3. Erase those and replace them with:" echo "ns1.vultr.com" echo "ns2.vultr.com" echo "" echo "4. Wait a while (1-24 hours) and run this script again." exit 0 fi # create cert-renew script if not there already if [ ! -f /usr/local/sbin/cert-renew ]; then echo "#!/bin/sh\nacme-client $domain\nrcctl restart relayd\nrcctl restart dovecot" > /usr/local/sbin/cert-renew chmod 700 /usr/local/sbin/cert-renew fi # add cert-renew to crontab if not there already res=$(crontab -l|grep cert-renew) if [[ $res == "" ]]; then (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "11\t3\t*\t*\t5\t/usr/local/sbin/cert-renew") | crontab - fi # WEB if [ ! -f $(my webok) ]; then echo "Setting up https://$domain/ web server and secure certificate." sed -i s/example.com/$domain/g httpd.conf relayd.conf acme-client.conf cp httpd.conf relayd.conf acme-client.conf /etc/ rcctl enable httpd rcctl start httpd acme-client -v $domain rcctl enable relayd rcctl start relayd html=$(printf '\n
Test public files
' $domain $domain "$name" $user $domain $user $domain) echo $html > /var/www/htdocs/index.html rm -rf /var/www/htdocs/bgplg mkdir -p /var/www/htdocs/pub mv hello.txt hello.pdf derek.jpg guitar.mp3 ymap.mp4 /var/www/htdocs/pub/ chown -R $user:$user /var/www/htdocs printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "TEST THIS NOW:" echo "Go to https://$domain/ now to verify the index.html placeholder." echo "It should say $domain with your name and $user@$domain." echo "Hit [enter] here if it's good, or Ctrl-C to quit and try again." read ui touch $(my webok) fi # EMAIL SERVER SETUP # if conf files are here, email hasn't been set up yet if [ -f smtpd.conf ]; then sed -i s/example.com/$domain/g smtpd.conf mv smtpd.conf /etc/mail/ touch /etc/mail/secrets rcctl restart smtpd fi if [ -f dovecot.conf ]; then sed -i s/example.com/$domain/g dovecot.conf rm -rf /etc/dovecot/* mv dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/ rcctl enable dovecot rcctl start dovecot fi # SMTP USERNAME & PASSWORD # Strange to put this here, but need to update /root/.muttrc with it now, # even though they haven't signed up to smtp2go.com yet, because they have # to receive email (with mutt) to sign up for smtp2go.com # (All users use same SMTP2GO username & password for sending.) # # Generate random username and password using custom-made "rander.pl" script # The first line (head -1) is username and last line (tail -1) is password. if [ -f $(my smtpuser) ]; then smtpuser=$(cat $(my smtpuser)) else # make random SMTP username for SMTP2GO smtpuser=$(perl rander.pl|head -1) # save to a file for next time echo $smtpuser > $(my smtpuser) fi if [ -f $(my smtppass) ]; then smtppass=$(cat $(my smtppass)) else # make random SMTP password for SMTP2GO smtppass=$(perl rander.pl|tail -1) # save to a file for next time echo $smtppass > $(my smtppass) fi echo "smtp2go $smtpuser:$smtppass" > /etc/mail/secrets chmod 640 /etc/mail/secrets chown root:_smtpd /etc/mail/secrets rcctl restart smtpd sed -i "s/SMTPUSER/$smtpuser/g" .muttrc sed -i "s/SMTPPASS/$smtppass/g" .muttrc # RECEIVE EMAIL if [[ ! -d /home/$user/Maildir ]]; then mkdir -p /home/$user/Maildir/{cur,new,tmp} chmod -R 700 /home/$user/Maildir cat .muttrc | sed "s/USER/$user/g" > /home/$user/.muttrc cp .mailcap /home/$user/ chown -R $user:$user /home/$user printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "TEST RECEIVING EMAIL:" echo "From an external email account (gmail, etc) send an email to $user@$domain" printf "I will tell you when I see it here" found="" while [[ $found == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 2 found=$(find /home/$user/Maildir/new -type f) done echo "You got mail!" echo "" fi # SMTP AUTH CREDENTIALS if [[ ! -f $(my smtpapi) ]]; then printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "TO SEND EMAILS:" echo "1. Go to https://www.smtp2go.com/" echo "Click [Try SMTP2GO Free]" echo "Under 'Start your free account', when it asks your 'Work email'," echo "Type $user@$domain then click [Continue]" echo "Give your name and make up a password just for them." echo "After that, it should say 'Check your inbox!'" printf "Waiting for that email" found="" while [[ $found == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 2 found=$(grep -Ehom 1 "https://app\.smtp2go\.com/onboarding/activate/[^\"[:space:]]*" /home/*/Maildir/new/*) done echo "" echo "" echo "################# IMPORTANT:" echo "COPY THIS URL and PASTE it into your WEB BROWSER:" echo "$found/" echo "" echo "After it activates your account, DON'T 'Add a verified sender', instead..." echo "Click 'Get an SMTP username or API key'" echo "then click [Create an API Key]" echo "then click [Continue]" echo "then click [Add API Key] on the far right" echo "then click [Copy] to the right of the API Key" echo "then click [Save]" echo "Once you see it on the 'API Keys' screen, paste it here: " read ui # strip whitespace smtpapi=$(echo "$ui" | tr -d '[:space:]') echo $smtpapi > $(my smtpapi) fi if [[ ! -f $(my smtp2go) ]]; then smtpapi=$(cat $(my smtpapi)) echo "Adding $domain as sender." json=$(curl --request POST --url https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/domain/add --header "X-Smtp2go-Api-Key: $smtpapi" --header "accept: application/json" --header "content-type: application/json" --data "{\"domain\": \"$domain\"}") dkim=$(echo $json | perl -ne 'print "$1" if /"dkim_selector": "([^"]+)"/') rpath=$(echo $json | perl -ne 'print "$1" if /"rpath_selector": "([^"]+)"/') echo "dkim=$dkim, rpath=$rpath (You don't need to know those, but if they are empty, there's a problem.)" vultrapi=$(cat $(my vultr)) echo "Adding DNS entries." data=$(printf '{"type":"CNAME", "name":"%s", "data":"%s"}' $rpath "return.smtp2go.net") cmd=$(printf 'curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains/%s/records" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer %s" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '\''%s'\''' $domain $vultrapi "$data") eval "$cmd" echo "" data=$(printf '{"type":"CNAME", "name":"%s._domainkey", "data":"%s"}' $dkim "dkim.smtp2go.net") cmd=$(printf 'curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains/%s/records" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer %s" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '\''%s'\''' $domain $vultrapi "$data") eval "$cmd" echo "" data=$(printf '{"type":"CNAME", "name":"%s", "data":"%s"}' "link" "track.smtp2go.net") cmd=$(printf 'curl -s "https://api.vultr.com/v2/domains/%s/records" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer %s" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '\''%s'\''' $domain $vultrapi "$data") eval "$cmd" echo "" echo "Telling smtp2go.com verify $domain DNS entries." curl --request POST --url https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/domain/verify --header "X-Smtp2go-Api-Key: $smtpapi" --header "accept: application/json" --header "content-type: application/json" --data "{\"requisition_ssl\": true, \"domain\": \"$domain\"}" smtpuser=$(cat $(my smtpuser)) smtppass=$(cat $(my smtppass)) echo "Creating smtp2go.com SMTP user." curl --request POST --url https://api.smtp2go.com/v3/users/smtp/add --header "X-Smtp2go-Api-Key: $smtpapi" --header "accept: application/json" --header "content-type: application/json" --data "{\"username\": \"$smtpuser\", \"email_password\": \"$smtppass\"}" #echo "your SMTP (outgoing email) username: $smtpuser" #echo "your SMTP (outgoing email) password: $smtppass" printf "\n\n##################### SUCCESS!\n" echo "You are all set up to send outgoing emails." echo "YOUR IMAP SETTINGS: (to check email from any device)" echo "Account type: IMAP" echo "Email address: $user@$domain" echo "Username: $user" echo "Password: the original secret user password you made" echo "Incoming mail server: $domain" echo "Outgoing mail server: $domain" echo "Connection security: SSL" echo "Authentication type: Basic authentication" echo "" echo "Alternatively, SSH into this server as $user and type:" echo "mutt" echo "" # touch file to say this section finished ok (assuming it did) touch $(my smtp2go) fi # RADICALE PER-USER if [ ! -d /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user ]; then sed -i 's/#type = none/type = htpasswd/g' /etc/radicale/config echo "Setting up Contacts and Calendar for user $user." echo "For Contacts and Calendar only, make a new password that’s easy to type on your phone." htpasswd /etc/radicale/users $user chown _radicale /etc/radicale/users rcctl enable radicale rcctl restart radicale echo "#!/bin/sh\ncp -r /var/db/radicale /home/$user/\nchown -R $user /home/$user" > /usr/local/sbin/radbak chmod 700 /usr/local/sbin/radbak # add Radicale backup to crontab if not there already res=$(crontab -l|grep radbak) if [[ $res == "" ]]; then (crontab -l 2>/dev/null; echo "9\t3\t*\t*\t*\t/usr/local/sbin/radbak") | crontab - fi # create for user mkdir -p /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/{calendar,contacts} prop=$(printf '{"C:supported-calendar-component-set": "VEVENT", "D:displayname": "%s", "tag": "VCALENDAR"}' $domain) echo $prop > /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/calendar/.Radicale.props prop=$(printf '{"D:displayname": "%s", "tag": "VADDRESSBOOK"}' $domain) echo $prop > /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/contacts/.Radicale.props chown -R _radicale:_radicale /var/db/radicale chmod 600 /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/calendar/.Radicale.props chmod 600 /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/contacts/.Radicale.props printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "YOU NEED TO DO THIS NOW:" echo "On your phone, manually add a CalDAV account for calendar." echo "Server: dav.$domain" echo "Username: $user" echo "Password: the one you just created" echo "Then, manually add a CardDAV account for contacts. Same info:" echo "Server: dav.$domain" echo "Username: $user" echo "Password: the one you just created" echo "" echo "AFTER THAT, TEST THE CALENDAR:" echo "On your phone, add a new (fake/test) calendar event to your $domain calendar." printf "I will tell you when I see it here" found="" while [[ $found == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 3 found=$(find /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/calendar/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.ics') done echo "" echo "Calendar entry added!" echo "NOW TEST THE CONTACTS:" echo "On your phone, add a new (fake/test) person to your $domain contacts." printf "I will tell you when I see it here" found="" while [[ $found == "" ]]; do printf "." sleep 3 found=$(find /var/db/radicale/collections/collection-root/$user/contacts/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.vcf') done echo "" echo "Contact added! Both work. Congratulations." fi printf "\n\n#############################\n" echo "For updates and help, please see https://sive.rs/ti" echo "When your server is set up, please email me your URL." echo "(I worked hard on this, so I like to know it helped.)" echo "Or ask any questions, or give any suggestions." echo "" echo "Derek Sivers" echo "https://sive.rs/contact" printf "#############################\n\n"