Pragmatic Programmer - by Andy Hunt and David Thomas
ISBN: 020161622XDate read: 2012-09-27
How strongly I recommend it: 6/10
(See my list of 360+ books, for more.)
Go to the Amazon page for details and reviews.
Classic book for computer programmers. I read it first in 2003 before I was taking book notes, so I read it again now to take notes. Great wisdom in here. Amazing to see how much of its advice was adopted as norms by Ruby on Rails.
my notes
Don't leave "broken windows" (bad designs, wrong decisions, or poor code) unrepaired. Fix each one as soon as it is discovered. If there is insufficient time to fix it properly, then board it up.
Your knowledge and experience are your most important professional assets. Unfortunately, they're expiring assets. Your knowledge becomes out of date as new techniques, languages, and environments are developed.
Managing a knowledge portfolio is very similar to managing a financial portfolio: Serious investors invest regularly-as a habit. Diversification is the key to long-term success. Smart investors balance their portfolios between conservative and high-risk, high-reward investments. Investors try to buy low and sell high for maximum return. Portfolios should be reviewed and rebalanced periodically. Buy low, sell high. Learning an emerging technology before it becomes popular can be just as hard as finding an undervalued stock, but the payoff can be just as rewarding.
Learn at least one new language every year. Different languages solve the same problems in different ways. By learning several different approaches, you can help broaden your thinking and avoid getting stuck in a rut. If you've used only makefiles and an editor, try an IDE, and vice versa.
The DRY principle: Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.
Duplication we see falls into one of the following categories:
Imposed duplication. Developers feel they have no choice-the environment seems to require duplication.
Inadvertent duplication. Developers don't realize that they are duplicating information.
Impatient duplication. Developers get lazy and duplicate because it seems easier.
Interdeveloper duplication. Multiple people on a team (or on different teams) duplicate a piece of information.
Sometimes, duplication seems to be forced on us. With a bit of ingenuity you can normally remove the need for duplication. Often the answer is to write a simple filter or code generator. Structures in multiple languages can be built from a common metadata representation using a simple code generator
The trick is to make the process active: this cannot be a one-time conversion, or we're back in a position of duplicating data.
Keep the low-level knowledge in the code, where it belongs, and reserve the comments for other, high-level explanations.
It is easier to write relatively small, self-contained components than a single large block of code.
If components have specific, well-defined responsibilities, they can be combined with new components in ways that were not envisioned by their original implementors.
If I dramatically change the requirements behind a particular function, how many modules are affected?
If you need to change an object's state, get the object to do it for you.
Avoid global data. Explicitly pass any required context into your modules.
Every module can have its own unit test built into its code, and these tests can be performed automatically as part of the regular build process.
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea if it's the only one you have.
Tracer code is lean but complete, and forms part of the skeleton of the final system.
What sorts of things might you choose to investigate with a prototype? Anything that carries risk. Anything that hasn't been tried before, or that is absolutely critical to the final system. Anything unproven, experimental, or doubtful. Anything you aren't comfortable with. Its value lies not in the code produced, but in the lessons learned.
Program Close to the Problem domain: By coding at a higher level of abstraction, you are free to concentrate on solving domain problems, and can ignore petty implementation details.
While the code for parsing a "real" language may be harder to write, it will be much easier for people to understand, and to extend in the future with new features.
The units you use make a difference in the interpretation of the result. If you say that something will take about 130 working days, then people will be expecting it to come in pretty close. However, if you say "Oh, about six months," then they know to look for it any time between five and seven months
Human-readable forms of data, and self-describing data, will outlive all other forms of data and the applications that created them.
In explaining the problem to another person you must explicitly state things that you may take for granted when going through the code yourself. By having to verbalize some of these assumptions, you may suddenly gain new insight into the problem.
Write Code That Writes Code:
There are two main types of code generators: Passive code generators are run once to produce a result. From that point forward, the result becomes freestanding-it is divorced from the code generator.
Active code generators are used each time their results are required. The result is a throw-away-it can always be reproduced by the code generator. Often, active code generators read some form of script or control file to produce their results.
It is simpler to express it in a simpler, language-neutral representation and generate the code for both languages,
The concept of Design by Contract: What is a correct program? One that does no more and no less than it claims to do. Documenting and verifying that claim is the heart of Design by Contract
Be strict in what you will accept before you begin, and promise as little as possible in return. Remember, if your contract indicates that you'll accept anything and promise the world in return, then you've got a lot of code to write!
Organize your code into cells (modules) and limit the interaction between them.
Using The Law of Demeter will make your code more adaptable and robust.
No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail.
"Out with the details!" Get them out of the code. While we're at it, we can make our code highly configurable and "soft"-that is, easily adaptable to changes.
Think declaratively (specifying what is to be done, not how) and create highly dynamic and adaptable programs. We do this by adopting a general rule: program for the general case, and put the specifics somewhere else-outside the compiled code base.
Because business policy and rules are more likely to change than any other aspect of the project, it makes sense to maintain them in a very flexible format.
A way to get quick and dirty load balancing among multiple consumer processes: the hungry consumer model. In a hungry consumer model, you replace the central scheduler with a number of independent consumer tasks and a centralized work queue. Each consumer task grabs a piece from the work queue and goes on about the business of processing it. As each task finishes its work, it goes back to the queue for some more. This way, if any particular task gets bogged down, the others can pick up the slack, and each individual component can proceed at its own pace. Each component is temporally decoupled from the others. Tip 40 Design Using Services Instead of components, we have really created services-independent, concurrent objects behind well-defined, consistent interfaces.
Program deliberately:
Don't code blindfolded. Attempting to build an application you don't fully understand, or to use a technology you aren't familiar with, is an invitation to be misled by coincidences.
Proceed from a plan.
Document your assumptions.
Don't just test your code, but test your assumptions as well. Don't guess; actually try it. Write an assertion to test your assumptions
Rather than construction, software is more like gardening-it is more organic than concrete.
When Should You Refactor? When you come across a stumbling block because the code doesn't quite fit anymore, or you notice two things that should really be merged, or anything else at all strikes you as being "wrong," don't hesitate to change it
Don't try to refactor and add functionality at the same time.
Don't Use Manual Procedures:
People just aren't as repeatable as computers are. Nor should we expect them to be. A shell script or batch file will execute the same instructions, in the same order, time after time.
Suppose you wanted to automate code review scheduling and approval. You might put a special marker in each source code file:
/* Status: needs_review */
A simple script could go through all of the source code and look for all files that had a status of needs_review, indicating that they were ready to be reviewed. You could then post a list of those files as a Web page, automatically send e-mail to the appropriate people,
Most developers hate testing. They tend to test gently, subconsciously knowing where the code will break and avoiding the weak spots. Pragmatic Programmers are different. We are driven to find our bugs now, so we don't have to endure the shame of others finding our bugs later.
A good project may well have more test code than production code.
Types of software testing that you need to perform:
Unit testing
Integration testing
Validation and verification
Resource exhaustion, errors, and recovery
Performance testing
Usability testing
Integration testing shows that the major subsystems that make up the project work and play well with each other.
When the system does fail, will it fail gracefully?
You need data to stress the boundary conditions. This data may be completely synthetic: date fields containing February 29, 1999, huge record sizes, or addresses with foreign postal codes.
Once a human tester finds a bug, it should be the last time a human tester finds that bug. The automated tests should be modified to check for that particular bug from then on, every time, with no exceptions, no matter how trivial,
Downplay the dichotomy between code and documentation, and instead treat them as two views of the same model (see It's Just a View).
Apply all of our pragmatic principles to documentation as well as to code.
Commenting source code gives you the perfect opportunity to document those elusive bits of a project that can't be documented anywhere else: engineering trade-offs, why decisions were made, what other alternatives were discarded, and so on.
A simple module-level header comment, comments for significant data and type declarations, and a brief per-class and per-method header, describing how the function is used and anything that it does that is not obvious.
Remember that you (and others after you) will be reading the code many hundreds of times, but only writing it a few times. Take the time to spell out connectionPool instead of cp.
Suppose we have a specification that lists the columns in a database table. We'll then have a separate set of SQL commands to create the actual table in the database, and probably some kind of programming language record structure to hold the contents of a row in the table. The same information is repeated three times. Change any one of these three sources, and the other two are immediately out of date. This is a clear violation of the DRY principle. To correct this problem, we need to choose the authoritative source of information. This may be the specification, it may be a database schema tool, or it may be some third source altogether. Let's choose the specification document as the source. It's now our model for this process. We then need to find a way to export the information it contains as different views-a database schema and a high-level language record, for example.
Times you need to present the same documentation in different formats: a printed document, Web pages, online help, or perhaps a slide show. The typical solution relies heavily on cut-and-paste, creating a number of new independent documents from the original. This is a bad idea: a document's presentation should be independent of its content. If you are using a markup system, you have the flexibility to implement as many different output formats as you need. You can choose to have <H1>Chapter Title</H1> generate a new chapter in the report version of the document and title a new slide in the slide show. Technologies such as XSL and CSS can be used to generate multiple output formats from this one markup.
As long as your original markup is rich enough to express all the concepts you need (including hyperlinks), translation to any other publishable form can be both easy and automatic. You can produce online help, published manuals, product highlights for the Web site, and even a tip-a-day calendar, all from the same source-which of course is under source control and is built along with the nightly build.
The success of a project is measured by how well it meets the expectations of its users. A project that falls below their expectations is deemed a failure, no matter how good the deliverable is in absolute terms.
Gently Exceed Your Users' Expectations
Some consultants call this process "managing expectations"-actively controlling what users should hope to get from their systems. We think this is a somewhat elitist position. Our role is not to control the hopes of our users. Instead, we need to work with them to come to a common understanding of the development process and the final deliverable, along with those expectations they have not yet verbalized.
If you work closely with your users, sharing their expectations and communicating what you're doing, then there will be few surprises when the project gets delivered. This is a BAD THING. Try to surprise your users. Not scare them, mind you, but delight them. Give them that little bit more than they were expecting. The extra bit of effort it requires to add some user-oriented feature to the system will pay for itself time and time again in goodwill. Listen to your users as the project progresses for clues about what features would really delight them.