Derek Sivers



Dismissing gives me a quick little lift.

“That guy is an idiot!”
“That place sucks!”

Now I feel superior.
Now I don’t have to think about it.

I don’t even need first-hand experience.
I can just echo any complaint I’ve heard.

I’ve done this with restaurants, religions, political ideologies, and entire countries with millions of people.

It works best if done publicly, to signal my status.
“Look at me, above that!”

It’s a drag when I have to look past my initial reaction, and actually get to know something or someone.
Just sit there and listen to someone that doesn’t think like me?
Open up stuff I’d already closed?
It’s too hard!
How am I supposed to dominate when I can’t even attack?

After hearing more, I’ll admit, it’s not as bad as I thought.
These people aren’t idiots.
Different values than I’m used to — different trade-offs, but OK.
I get it.
I kinda like it.

In fact, getting to know it is really rewarding.
It’s like finding a whole floor of your house that you didn’t know was there.
It expands your definition of home and self.

When you look through its window, you see a bunch of new friends, who invite you over and welcome you, happy that you can also appreciate what they love.

green eggs and ham
image © 1960 Dr. Seuss “Green Eggs and Ham”