Derek Sivers

Juan Silva

Met 2024-07-07 17:00 at Red Tree House, Culiacán 6, Condesa, Mexico City, Mexico.

As soon as we met, I asked why his nails are painted, and he said solidarity for his teen son who is in a trans phase, experimenting with being a woman, so Juan wants to show support by painting nails and wearing a skirt. Way to start a conversation! Talked a lot about parenting.

Previous generations had music, rock, punk, long hair, no hair, tattoos, and now expressing with gender. Don't want to be defined by the system.

He does martial arts, learning different kinds, mixing together. Like Esperanto, you can make your own words.

He was doing design for advertising agency for 11 years, then LinkedIn for many years, treated like a rock star, and now no one. AI has changed the market. He's teaching illustration a bit.

Studying to be a Buddhist monk. Doesn't like meditation retreats because he wants to always incorporate it into life, instead of something that takes him out of life, in a place where everything is perfect. Your inner Buddha has to eat and work, not just sit there feeling cool about himself. Try to be Buddha in traffic with your kid, with compassion, awareness, and love.

Grandmother said their family was Spanish royalty so they did the research and found that, no, they were Spanish pirates.

He's into punk. We talked about punk philosophy and I said I like everything about punk except the music itself. Sex Pistols were a “boy band” put together by Malcom McLaren. Their job was to be punk, as scripted. He said there's a good documentary about punk.

He wants to move to Graz, Austria. Great open relationship with his wife. Had separate homes until recently.

Buddha was not a Buddhist. Jesus was not a Christian. Revelations is science fiction.

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