Derek Sivers

John P

Met 2024-07-08 19:00 at Red Tree House, Culiacán 6, Condesa, Mexico City, Mexico.

He trained an OpenAI agent on my writings! We talked about how I’ll train one locally on my server.

He's 34 now. Studied math in university. Always into computer programming. Master's degree in computer science. Hacked the school system so everyone got 10X grades, but got suspended for it. Teacher knew it was him since he's always pushing boundaries. I told him about

Moved to Atlanta two years ago. Used to take long vacations to Canada, Indonesia, etc. He's now the primary caregiver as his wife is doing her postdoc.

Daughter age 12 has perspective, as a third-culture kid, that “this is not all there is”, so doesn't get too sucked into Instagram stuff.

Even a little dabble in something like a chemistry set gives a kid a feeling of having started with it.

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