Derek Sivers

Camilo Luna

Met 2024-07-12 13:00 at La Colina Hotel: Calle 150 #78-46, Suba, Bogotá, Colombia.

Grew up here in Bogotá. Lived in Portugal for two years. Portugal people feel very Latin American at first, but harder to become closer friends. He's still friends with the Germans, Belgians, and Dutch people he met there, but unfortunately not the Portuguese. Though I suggested it might just be that people who travel to a place are more open to meeting strangers than people who grew up in that place.

Colombian Spanish, when you want something, like ordering at a restaurant, you say, literally, “Can you gift me _____?”, but if you say that in other countries, you’re misunderstood.

He follows my friend Tynan, so we called Tynan on the spot. A lot of the clothes he wears are because of Tynan's gear post recommendations:

Master's degree in business management, then got into web development. Only has to work a few hours a day to make a good Colombia living.

Colombia feels like different countries in one. The north is Caribbean culture, laid back. Medellin people are very nice and macho, more patriarchal. The cliché is the very plastic-surgery perfect-looking woman with the beer-belly dumpy guy, and people buy showy things. Bogotá people are more formal. Cycling is big in Bogotá.

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