Derek Sivers

Mauricio Gutiérrez

Met 2024-07-12 11:00 at La Colina Hotel: Calle 150 #78-46, Suba, Bogotá, Colombia.

Learned English from PlayStation, so desperate to play and understand Final Fantasy that he spent hours with a dictionary.

Sound engineer, who also did Spanish translations for sound engineering companies. He started doing live sound because his dad is a musician. Loved recording and mixing. Then A/V system design for big concerts.

We talked about my tinnitus, finding the exact frequency of the tones, then doing Notch Therapy.

Translating for all Spanish-speaking countries is hard because, for example a snare drum is caja in Argentina, but redoblante in Colombia. But then even in America we do that, where recording engineers in Los Angeles say “compression” but in New York they say “snap”.

Mexico determined how everything is stored in our subconscious because Mexico translated the cartoons, so every Spanish-speaking kid grows up watching cartoons with Mexican slang.

He’s into card games, with very few cards, clever and makes you think.

My first book, translated into Spanish as «Sigue tu Pasión» had horrible design so he couldn’t gift it to anyone.

He recommends the book «Advice for Future Corpses (and Those Who Love Them): A Practical Perspective on Death and Dying».

He plans to start a social business.

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