Derek Sivers

Juan David Reyes Páez

Met 2024-07-12 15:00 at La Colina Hotel: Calle 150 #78-46, Suba, Bogotá, Colombia.

Grew up in Bogotá. Was a digital nomad in 2015. SE Asia. But got tired of it after 6 months.

Trained as an economist but learned coding. Wanted to learn Italian, partially because of Roberto Benigni, so went to a bed and breakfast in Sicily for three months, where the lady needed help with marketing and reception, so spent three months there in Catania Sicily at her place. Then to Romania because it was outside Schenghen area for his visa, and loved it there too. Dancing salsa.

People in Colombia dance. (Funny that in boys’ school the boys learning to dance all have to dance with each other.) Learning to dance changes your identity.

Cryptocurrency is strong in South America because people don't trust the local currency. He's inspired to help people learn this technology. He started Ethereum Bogotá, trying to help develop the region as a hub. He programs smart contracts. Etherum is for building.

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