Derek Sivers

Leonardo Maldonado

Met 2024-07-20 19:00 at Singular Santiago, Merced 294, Santiago, Chile.

WOW WOW WOW. To properly write about what Leo told me this evening would fill an entire book, and that’s just in the two hours of conversation. It would take me days just to type it. So there’s no way I’m going to capture it well here.

But in short: a lot of philosophy (particularly Heidegger and hermeneutics), language and its role in creating reality, Chilean political history and social dynamics, global geopolitics and the the Cold War, entrepreneurship and the local ecosystem development.

No but seriously I think I should take my recording of our conversation, or hire a ghost writer, and turn Leo’s insights into a book.

Conversations like this are why I travel and meet up with people.

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