Senthil Kumar Muthamizhan
Met 2023-02-13 17:00 at Taj Connemara, Binny Road, Anna Salai, Chennai, Chennai, India.Meeting people is richness, real rich - not just money in the bank.
Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu is a significant auspicious place.
In India, kids are gods.
This box of cookies might have great meaning to someone who has eaten from that shop with their family for the last 25 years, but means nothing to someone else. London’s WC1 means a lot to you, but nothing to someone else.
Kural - Tirukkuṟaḷ - திருக்குறள் - very important book - wise through means - it’s how to live
North Indian culture slowly gets diluted, while South Indian culture resisted influence.
As a South Indian, Delhi is a nightmare, because of the food and the whole thing.
Lived in Netherlands and Manchester and Singapore. Europeans were annoying for wanting to be on time. Creativity is not on time. Coding is creativity.
He uses Ruby and Rails.
His company CultureMonkey delivers bad news to companies to let them know when their internal culture is bad.
The human body is a shirt the soul is wearing. It drops every time you die and are born again.
Every soul goes through four phases: pleasure, engagement, meaning, serving god.