Kartikeya Bhardwaj
Met 2023-02-19 15:00 at ITC Gardenia, 1 Residency Rd, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Bangalore, India.Age 24. From north India - Shimla, Dehradun, Jaipur, and Hyderabad for college - but moved to Bangalore because he got into AI a couple years ago.
Trained as mechanical engineer but hated it. Skipped exams.
Father works for Indian Railways and fingerprint attendance systems were banned because of Covid touching shared surfaces. So Kartikeya came up with Raspberry Pi facial recognition thing, very simple, to replace it. Worked well for this and other offices, until someone found they could spoof it with a photo instead of live face. So he figured out an AI to tell the difference between a real face and photo face. So now he focuses on just that: anti-spoof technology that attendance software systems can use. SpoofSense.ai
Moved to Bangalore because not a lot of places that have this kind of culture & connectivity. Crazy stuff happens here. Folks here are at the cutting edge of everything, culturally, technologically, very liberal, very early adopters.
He’s the first person to ever ask about the guitar chords at the start of my podcast and audiobook chapters.
Uses FL Studio + Akai MPK Mini to make music, producing for a bunch of rappers in India. The hip-hop scene in Mumbai and Delhi is amazing and magical. Everyone wants to be the next Divine. He’s very connected with the music community here.
He’s in three bubbles: tech, music, and filmmaking.