2023-09 - Tel Aviv, Israel meetings
Numa Hotel, She’erit Israel 1 Tel-Aviv
I visited during the protests against Netanyahu judicial reform. For context, this was just three weeks before the October 7 2023 Gaza attacks.
Many people mentioned how safe and convenient it is to raise kids in Israel, such a small country, so near all your relatives. Surprisingly, four different unrelated men and women said they moved to Israel to meet a spouse, and immediately did. All four seemed quite happy.
I stayed in Jaffa to be close to the best hummus, Abu Hassan, where I had breakfast at 7:30 every morning, ordered the same thing (the combo), sat next to the same stranger, and even passed the same blue-haired girl walking to high school every morning as I was leaving. Oh man I miss that breakfast a lot.
I had planned to go to Palestine after Tel Aviv but it didn't work out. I wish I would have.
Four people I met with asked me to delete the record of our meeting, so there were four more not shown here.
click a name for notes:
Omri Baumer
- community, real estate, naivete
Adam Lee Rosenfeld
- parenting, America, punk
Lucian Harris-Gallahue
- orthodoxy, Talmud, no touching before marriage
Ben Golan
- hacking drones, Israel, physics, programming, LLM
AJ Ifergan
- marriage, parenting, history, identity
Or Azulay
- hummus, military spouses, podcast, writing
Marina Boykis
- Qigong, America, Israel, parenting, spontaneity
Joe R.
- Iraq, Iran, New York, Israel, parenting, UAE, meeting
Eliran Mukdasi
- Jerusalem, music, marriage
Yogev Oshaya
- China, India, Saudia Arabia, VC
Efrat Darky
- music, witchcraft, agriculture
Roy Hareven
- Haifa, Arabic, Hebrew
Or Lev-Cohen
- predicting, philosophy, success, kids, Brazil, luck
Oren Raab
- Kibbutz, Jerusalem, Palestine, David Bowie, randomness
Eyal Bason
- Palestine, music industry, bands
Jonathan Levi
- 3D printing, Shenzhen, Israel, family, Jewish culture
Roi Shlomi
- mourning, religion, security, curiosity, hospitals, opera, math
Uri Shaked
- electronics, parenting
Moshe Rivel
- Jaffa, India, nature
Elad Feldman
- conflict, quantum
Yam Shargil
- Jaffa, scents