
Berklee College of Music keynote
Length: 10 minutes. Date: 2008-096 things I wish I knew the day I started Berklee. Lessons apply to other aspects of life, too.

The opposite may also be true
Length: 2 minutes. Date: 2009-11Japanese addresses, Chinese doctors, Nigerian music, and an upside-down map.

Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy
Length: 3 minutes. Date: 2010-02First follower. How to start a movement. My most popular talk.

Successful SxSW: the Tao of the Conference
Length: 5 minutes. Date: 2010-03Advice for musicians on how to get the most out of the SxSW Music Conference.

Rails Conf Keynote
Length: 44 minutes. Date: 2010-05Short stories about programming, accents, quirks, delegating, confabulation, instinct, etc.

Keep your goals to yourself
Length: 3 minutes. Date: 2010-07Psychology tests show that announcing your goals makes you less motivated to accomplish them.

The Art of Profitability
Length: 27 minutes. Date: 2010-09Examples of 8 profit models from the book “The Art of Profitability”

TEDxNUS - 9 stories in 18 minutes
Length: 22 minutes. Date: 2010-109 short stories to a TEDx crowd at the National University of Singapore.

Why You Need to Fail
Length: 15 minutes. Date: 2010-12The importance of failure - for effective learning, growth mindset, and quality through experimentation.

Anything You Want cartoons
Length: 16 minutes. Date: 2011-07Philosophies on life and business, 7 chapters from my book, turned into short little animations.

Uncommon Sense
Length: 47 minutes. Date: 2011-08All of my business advice for entrepreneurs. A quick summary of almost everything I’ve learned. One of my most popular talks.

Next Bank Asia: Disrupting Banking
Length: 16 minutes. Date: 2012-05Addressing a room of bankers in Singapore about eliminating friction and serving tech entrepreneurs.

The Meaning of Life
Length: 19 minutes. Date: 2014-05Let's just figure this out in under 20 minutes.

Uncommon Sense - live @ WDS
Length: 40 minutes. Date: 2015-07Probably the best talk I’ve ever done.