When your music can’t speak for itself
2000-06-13On the radio, your music speaks for itself. People hear your music and like it or not.
In concert, your music speaks for itself. Hearing and watching you perform is enough.
But in every other situation, unless your music is already in their ears, your music can’t speak for itself. The words that describe your music have to do the hard work.
Online, the description needs to be so interesting that people stop to click and listen.
In word-of-mouth between friends, the description needs to be so memorable that people search for you later.
In the music industry, the description needs to be so intriguing that busy people feel you’re worth their time.
These are the main ways you call attention to your music, so this is important.
Once you’re a household name, and your music is playing everywhere, you can stop describing it. But for now, you need to come up with a great description.