Your Music and People
creative and considerate fame
a philosophy of getting your work to the world by being creative, considerate, resourceful, and connected
Every creator has the same problems with marketing.
- How do you call attention to your work?
- How do you get your creations into people’s minds and hearts?
- How do you get fans to tell their friends?
- How do you charge money for your labor of love?
- How do you get the media to help?
Derek Sivers was a professional musician before he started a music distribution company that helped 150,000 musicians sell their music to over four million people. So after years of living the problems, he was able to learn the solutions.
“Your Music and People” shares a successful philosophy of getting your work to the world by being creative, considerate, resourceful, and connected.
It’s not just for musicians.
Though it uses music as the example, it is meant for any creator trying to reach people. Early readers called it one of the best books ever written on business marketing.
Example points include:
- Business is just as creative as music.
- Marketing is an extension of your art.
- Marketing means being considerate. Focus on others.
- Being weird is considerate.
- People skills are counterintuitive. To be helped, be helpful.
- Persistence is polite.
- Call the destination and ask for directions.
- Get specific about what you want.
- Be extreme and sharply defined. Proudly exclude most people.
- Money is just a neutral representation of value. Be valuable to others — not just yourself. People like to pay.
- Nobody knows the future, so focus on what doesn’t change.
The first 10,000 early buyers of “Your Music and People” have posted hundreds of 5-star reviews at sive.rs/m — but it is now being released to a wider audience.
- $15 : ebook, audiobook, and all digital formats forever
- (epub, mobi, pdf, mp3, html, etc.)
- $19 : paper book includes all digital formats
- (really just $4 for the paper, so only $4 for each additional copy)
Publication date: 2020-06-18
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-98-857500-1
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-98-857505-6
Audiobook ISBN: 978-1-98-857598-8
Kindle ISBN: 978-1-98-857502-5
Listen to the audiobook:

Editorial Reviews
“This is one of the top two marketing books I own (and I've read hundreds of them).”
— Dan Sanchez, author of I Want to Be a Marketer When I Grow Up
“I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! As a musician who finds spammy-sleazy-promotion repugnant, it was so refreshing to find an alternative perspective whereby marketing is ethical, creative, and be just as much an artform and service as the art itself. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Buy this book and bathe in its honesty, fun, and pragmatism.”
— Úna Ní Fhlannagáin, award-winning Irish harpist
“I’m not a musician. I’m a lawyer. I planned on sending this to my daughter, but before I mailed it, I skimmed a couple pages. I ended up reading the whole thing and taking a ton of notes. The lessons/concepts apply to what I do. It was unexpected, and very cool. Few lawyers have read this book, so I feel like I gained some new and rare insights. (I spend a lot of time looking for overlooked advantages in unexpected places.) I’ll be ordering some extra copies to give to my students.”
— Charlie Price
“I work in the music business, which is notorious for constantly changing. This book, however, will always be relevant! It explores the essential, eternal principles underlying the interaction between music and its listeners. It's a must-read advantage for anyone interested in music and how to share it, as well as for anyone interested in sharing any other form of creativity. Highly recommend!”
— Manny Vallarino
“I'm actually not a musician, but I do run my own business, and these tools apply to anyone seeking to understand how to effectively put themselves out there both honorably and confidently. If all people in business were considering these tools, not only would our unique gifts be more broadly shared, but our ways of sharing and earning income from that sharing would change the world for the better.”
— Kim Marie, coach, mentor
“This book is amazing. You start thinking it's going to be about the music industry, but it instead teaches you how to be a more creative artist when it comes to marketing, management, and taking care of your fans. There are big philosophies in this book that will shift your framework, as well as small tricks that you can apply right away. Definitely the best and most impactful book I've read on the music business.”
— Banner Driskell, film-maker, musician
“This is a book full of generosity, and describes marketing for what it is: creating curiosity and delight for your audience, caring for your fans, creating loyalty to and from your people, and doing your best work because you care.”
— Daniel Ciocîrlan, developer and best-selling instructor
“The unorthodox guide to creative success. Short anecdotes, parables, and concepts that help readers ask important questions about their creative journeys. Everything is simple, pragmatic, and straightforward, but also slightly unintuitive. It's a collection of the most uncommon expressions of common sense for creative people. I recommend it to anyone trying to carve out their niche in any creative field.”
— Erik Sabol
“Crucial insights for how to chart your own path in the world of business. Each page has actionable advice, which sometimes goes against the prevailing wisdom. Makes you question some of your closest-held beliefs about how business and marketing works. Anyone who is in business should read this book. Its genius-level advice coming from a guy who's actually done it, and knows what he's talking about.”
— Tom Stein, professor, Berklee College Of Music
“This is the first time I have stumbled upon someone who talks about business and growth in a different way. His ideas spring from deleting all the noise, and focusing on what truly maters. A noise-free, stoic minimalist, who can make life simple for you. If you need advice from a mature, experienced and caring person, who enjoys cutting off the fluff, this is the book to read.”
— Slavko Desik, international entrepreneur
“I'm not a musician. The last time I picked up a guitar was 20 years ago. But this is one of the best books on marketing I've ever read. Lots of digestible ideas and tips. Strategies, tactics, and habits that you can steal straight away. I listen to the audio book every couple of months (which is fantastic in itself!). Most engaging and human book on marketing that I've ever read!”
— Stefan Wilkerson, author, entrepreneur
“The best book I've read on business, much less the music business. I'm sure I will refer to it the rest of my life, whatever I'm doing. I find the ideas to be semi-radical, yet embracing. I feel I want to live up to it, yet am not fully sure what that would entail. Yet, I have already gotten so much from it that I am already using. I have bought extra copies so I can give them to my friends.”
— Marc Coleman, musician, author
“This book was a life changer for me. When it showed me that people in the music biz are people just like you and me, I had a mind shift. I learned so much from this little book. Many of the pages are dogeared and parts are underlined. It's a game changer for sure!”
— Lisa Yves Winner, jazz musician
“I have given out 3 copies of this book, and all responded to say how important and helpful it was to them. No other gifted book has returned such heartfelt appreciation.”
— Michael Kumm, engineer

- What it means to be resourceful
- You need to be profitable to last
- Get specific!
- Call the destination, and ask for directions
- Never wait
- Assume nobody is going to help you
- The security of no security
- A good plan wins no matter what happens
- Was 10%, now 90%
- You don’t get extreme results without extreme actions
- Direct it yourself
- Flip it in your favor
- Not happy with existing venues? Make a new one
- When your music can’t speak for itself
- A curious answer to the most common question
- Make people curious in one sentence
- Without a good reason, they won’t bother
- Don’t know how to describe your music?
- Describe your music like a non-musician
- Use the tricks that worked on you
- Or you can not talk at all
- Hillbilly Flamenco
- Aim for the edges
- If you target sharp enough, you will own your niche
- Proudly exclude most people
- Well-rounded doesn’t cut
- Be an extreme character
- A hundred actors on stage
- The most expensive vodka
- Doing the opposite of everyone is valuable
- Selling music by solving a specific need
- People search harder for the obscure
- Shed your money taboos
- Valuable to others, or only you?
- Pricing philosophy
- Emphasize meaning over price
- Some people like to pay. Let them
- The higher the price, the more they value it
- Are fans telling friends? If not, don’t promote
- Don’t promote until people can take action
- Never have a limit on your income
- $15 : ebook, audiobook, and all digital formats forever
- (epub, mobi, pdf, mp3, html, etc. No DRM.)
- $19 : paper book includes all digital formats
- (really just $4 for the paper, so only $4 for each additional copy)
YOUR MUSIC AND PEOPLE is the unorthodox guide to creative success. Derek shares short anecdotes, parables, and concepts that help readers ask important questions about their creative journeys (e.g., "Are my dreams *too* specific?" and "Do I need *more* creative restrictions to supercharge my motivation?").
Everything in this book is simple, pragmatic, and straightforward -- but also slightly unintuitive. It's a collection of the most uncommon expressions of common sense for creative people, and I'd recommend it to anyone trying to carve out their niche in *any* creative field -- music or otherwise. — Erik Sabol“Your Music and People” was supposed to be for my daughter, who’s studying music in college. I had planned on sending it to her this morning. But before I mailed it, I skimmed a couple pages. I ended up reading the whole thing — and taking a ton of notes.
I’m not a musician. I’m a lawyer. Still, I found that 70% of the lessons/concepts — with a tweak here and there — apply to what I do. Especially the stuff in the Creative, Considerate, and People sections. It was unexpected, and very cool. My hunch is that few lawyers have read this book, so I feel like I gained some new and rare insights. (I spend a lot of time looking for overlooked advantages in unexpected places.) Advantages aside, I’ll be ordering some extra copies to give to my students.
I read a lot. And every once in a while — not often, but occasionally — I come across something that stops me in my tracks. Some phrase or line that makes me look up, shake my head, and think to myself, “F*ck … I wish I had learned that 20 years ago.” It’s like the advice or idea is so good that I actually get pissed that I hadn’t read it sooner. It’s a funny sensation, kind of a low-level dread. Humbling, but with some optimism tossed in. It reminds me that whatever we’re doing to get good at something — and whatever we think “good” actually is — well, we better think again, because the horizon is infinite. So pack your bags and buckle up, because it’s a long, long ride. Anyway, I had several of those moments reading Your Music and People, which probably wasn’t even written for someone like me. That’s a great job. — Charlie Price"Your Music and People" is a compilation of insight and wisdom on how to become successful as a musician and in the music business. All of the ideas and anecdotes come from the author's life experience. The chapters are presented as "pearls" of advice that one can apply to any industry that requires self-promotion.
I especially enjoyed the guitar chords that were played before each new chapter was announced. I found myself attempting to identify each chord and wondering if there was a connection to the chapter that followed.
Sivers is a minimalist and it's evident in his writing; it's poetic. His words are chosen carefully in order to get his ideas across in the most efficient way possible, with the least amount of words possible.
The audiobook is read by the author. Derek's voice is soothing to listen to and his reading is clear. He reads with conviction and passion. I can only give his books my highest recommendation. — Tamer TewfikEver since I've read "Anything you want", and discovered Derek's blog, I fell in love with his writing. I have built a SaaS product, a gig-economy platform and several niche websites, and this was the first time I have stumbled upon someone who talks about business and growth in a different way.
His ideas spring from deleting all the noise, and focusing on what truly maters - in both personal and professional life. If my meditation mentor and my therapist had a baby, and she grew up to make huge success in business, her voice would be that of Derek. A noise-free, stoic minimalist, who can make life simple for you. And mind you - simple doesn't imply less fun - quite the contrary.
If the business aspect and the promotion of your product gave you a bad taste in your mouth for years, this is the book to read. If you love to create, but hate, or doesn't know how to put your work in front of others, this is the book to read.
Some lessons I have learned from years and years of trial and error, but this book articulates them in way that resonates profoundly. It motivates, inspires, and gives dozens of ways to approach the process. Derek recognizes that as in life, the same holds true in business - there is not a single way forward. There are many answers to one question, and it is indeed possible to enjoy the "problem" that you are trying to solve.
If you need advice from a mature, experienced and caring person, who enjoys cutting off the fluff, this is the book to read.
Thinking about it, this is the book you never knew you needed.
The editing is superb, the chapters are short and enjoyable, and the audio version is impeccable. It's like listening to your favorite album.
P.S. I most highly recommend "Anything you want", as a complimentary reading. Equipped with both, you will never think about entrepreneurship in the same way.
Slavko Desik — Slavko DesikI'm not a musician. The last time I picked up a guitar was 20 years ago. But this is one of the best books on marketing I've ever read. Lots of digestible ideas and tips. Strategies, tactics, and habits that you can steal straight away. I listen to the audio book every couple of months (which is fantastic in itself!). Most engaging and human book on marketing that I've ever read! — Stefan Wilkerson
This is a book full of generosity, and describes marketing for what it is: creating curiosity and delight for your audience, caring for your fans, creating loyalty to and from your people, and doing your best work because you care. Seth Godin would be proud - he's the only other person who talks about marketing in these same terms. — Daniel Ciocîrlan
I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!! As a musician who finds spammy-sleazy-promotion repugnant, it was so refreshing to find an alternative perspective whereby marketing is ethical, creative, and be just as much an artform and service as the art itself. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. If you like Seth Godin, if you like Amber Horsburgh, if you like great music and want to get it to the ears of more people, buy this book and bathe in its honesty, fun, and pragmatism. — Úna Ní Fhlannagáin
First of all, listen to the audio version. Derek's voice makes it so much fun, and I practically felt like I was living in the stories! I'm actually not a musician, but I do run my own business, and these tools apply to anyone seeking to understand how to effectively put themselves out there both honorably and confidently. If all people in business were considering these tools, not only would our unique gifts be more broadly shared, but our ways of sharing and earning income from that sharing would change the world for the better. Definitely sharing this one with my fellow entrepreneurs. Thanks Derek! — Kim Marie
This is one of the top two marketing books I own (and I've read hundreds of them). — Dan Sanchez
Sivers is the King Midas of creativity and ideas. Sivers keeps turning ideas into golden nuggets of inspiration. This book is yet another shining example of his ongoing mindset of challenging the status quo of still minds needing that spark to explode all over the place. This book challenges me and asks me to think even further out of the box than I thought I already did. An incredibly quotable book with lines like these strewn about like little diamonds in the rough sand of what-to-do if I get stuck: “Whenever you’re feeling uninspired or unmotivated, use creative restrictions to set you free.” I recommend getting inspired by reading this book to push on further in getting farther than you thought possible in the world of music and creativity. — Olav Hynnekleiv
Fantastic, game changing book. So many ideas and reminders of things that alot of us already know but have forgotten. Its remarkable how some of the simplest, basic social concepts slipped had by me. Derek reminded me with this book and re-opened my eyes to things I had drifted from. Thankful for finding his ideas and employing them frequently. — Dave Schoepke
I work in the music business, which is notorious for constantly changing. This book, however, will always be relevant! It explores the essential, eternal principles underlying the interaction between music and its listeners. It's a must-read advantage for anyone interested in music and how to share it, as well as for anyone interested in sharing any other form of creativity. Highly recommend! — Manny Vallarino
This book is amazing. You start thinking it's going to be about the music industry, but it instead teaches you how to be a more creative artist when it comes to marketing, management, and taking care of your fans. There are big philosophies in this book that will shift your framework, as well as small tricks that you can apply right away. Definitely the best and most impactful book I've read on the music business. — Banner Driskell
Derek's view of marketing is kinder and friendlier than any other I've read. Want to share something with the world? This book is a good place to start. — Bennett Garner
Music and People is the best book I've read on business, much less the music business.
I find it hard to put into words what it has done for me, as I'm still absorbing it. I'm sure I will refer to it the rest of my life, whatever I'm doing.
I find the ideas to be semi-radical, yet embracing. I feel I want to live up to it, yet am not fully sure what that would entail. Yet, I have already gotten so much from it that I am already using.
I have bought extra copies so I can give them to my friends. For example, a guy who has been around long enough for the Replacements to open for the band he was in now has this book.
The world is a better place because of the eddies of Derek's thoughts as they swirl through the cosmos. — Marc ColemanDerek's book is full of musings about the music industry with crucial insights for how to chart your own path in the world of business. Each page has actionable advice, which sometimes goes against the prevailing wisdom. Reading him should make you question some of your closest-held beliefs about how business and marketing works. Anyone who is in business should read this book. It's genius-level advice coming from a guy who's actually done it, and knows what he's talking about. — Tom Stein
This book was a life changer for me. When Derek showed me that people in the music biz are people just like you and me, I had a mind shift. I learned so much from this little book. Many of the pages are dogeared and parts are underlined. It's a game changer for sure! — Lisa Yves Winner
This book has become a bible for me of sorts. Got it on audiobook, which was a very quick and easy listen, and have listened to it multiple times since. As an artist who loves his craft, I've always been intent on writing and not so much on actually promoting myself or selling my work. This book will totally change your mindset on that. And I think the best part about it is that it applies to any artist-- not just musicians. I'm a screenwriter and got a ton of insight from it. Highly recommend it. — Jeremy Gurvits
Great book! Highly recommended, especially to young artists. Chapters I like the most... 7, 19, 28, 44, 45, 47, 87...
Make mystery in and around your music.
Be helpful to others in any kind of way, your time to receive help will come too.
Don't bother looking for new opportunities until you can show some level of success in what you do.
Sometimes, a simple thing like "treating someone a pizza" can change your future!
Stop complaining, but rather try to make a difference yourself in making things better.
Describe your art in a memorable way.
Get advice but, follow the advice that excites you.
Nice work Derek! — Rhounage SeinpaalThis is a book of wonderful spells that put you in the right frame of mind to cast your career forward in a way that serves your gut feelings as well as adhere to the patterns of humans who have little attention spans and no time to spare for long winded explainations. — David Williams
Replace "Music" with "Art" or "Writing" or "Attitude" or "Life" and the lessons will still apply. Derek has written a remarkably useful book for anyone searching for creative ways to share their ideas with the world in ways that actually land. — Joel Cherrico
Your Music And People is essential reading for any musician serious about making a living from their craft. Buy it now! — dan hawkins
While I'm not in the music business, this book still resonated strongly with me as it captures the right way to lead a company or be self-employed. Derek has a way of expressing deep, meaningful truths in a way that you already understand to your core and are just being reminded of. I frequently reread this book whenever I need to realign my values when it comes to business. — Justin Lingenfelser
I have given out 3 copies of this book, and all responded to say how "important" and "helpful" it was to them. No other gifted book has returned such heartfelt appreciation. — Michael Kumm
“Your Music and People” completely changed the way I interpret music business and marketing. It is an invaluable insight, as it offers both practical and philosophical ideas. — Solomon Sprenger
Great read!!! Lots of info in a short book and worth reading for any musician. There something in here for everyone to use. — Mike Carew
This booked has helped me immensely to connect my creative process with how to reach people. How to talk to my audience. Bottom line. — Chris Haugen
It's amazing how much experience-based wisdom can be distilled and delivered as succinctly and effectively as Derek does in his writings. No space or words are wasted. Small book, big impact! Simple, direct, to the point guidance - thank you Derek! — Michael Tiernan
Very, very interesting take on how to build and promote the work you love -- written by someone who has already done it. I highly recommend it! — Fede Pereiro
“How to Live” is the best book I’ve read this year. 💯/100 recommended.
🔊 The audiobook version is also great. Derek’s voice (with effects!) is amazing! — Javier EzpeletaThis is a book that I consistently return to when I feel overwhelmed or stuck. Every chapter is actionable. Very little fluff writing. This one is worth much more than the asking price — Chad Erickson
This book is INCREDIBLE. Especially if you are an artist of any kind, this is the only book I've ever read (and the only one I'll ever need) that has walked me through the principles of creative and considerate ways to get my work seen by the right people. For musicians, actors, writers, directors, I especially recommend this book so that you can be empowered to be as creative with the business side as you are in creating your art. If you're serious about actually making a living as an artist, this book helps you get in the drivers seat of your career instead of sitting around waiting to be discovered. — Alex Commito
I am a huge fan of Sivers' work, his essays are short, to the point and always relevant.
While I am a marketing professional and not a musician, I took many important lessons away from this book, and plan on re-reading it as soon as I can process the first time.
Something I implemented after reading this is working on eliminating distractions - in a world of social media and constant push notifications this can be extremely difficult, but I like the concept of "deep vs shallow work" and want this to be a theme in my work going forward.
An excellent read and I'd highly recommend to anyone wanting a fresh perspective on productivity and success. — Lacey Jarvis Laci JarvisThis book has inspired me to create my own tribe. I now have 1300+ members in a new org that I built based on the principles I’ve learned here. This is a must read for anyone that wants to create a new community or find their own tribe. — Ian Slade
Music is the title of the book, however, it could also say, your painting, or your basket weaving or printmaking. The book can be summed up in one sentence, from page 7. "The way you present your art, and what people know about it, completely changes how they perceive it."
The rest of the book, until page 132 is full of stories from Derek's life on how he pursued his music. People perceive what we create by how we present it. I learned so much from this book on how important it is for me to believe in myself as an artist. — Pamela FernuikA game-changing book. Derek is one of the best thinkers on the planet. This is a great outline of how he's become who he is. Actionable advice for anyone on this journey called life. — Gordie Bufton
Without a doubt this book changed my thinking about the music business and it have gone on to be the inspiration for my business New Music Lives which is based on one simple principle "Does it serve the artist" because if it does not why are we doing it. I love the book and the writer as he is one of the most perceptive people I know cant wait to read the new book "How To Live" — Paul Saunders
Every professional or wanna-be professional artist should read this book. It will reset your perspective on what it is to be successful and famous, and how you can really be a blessing to your audience and fans. I think it's about time I read it again. ;) — Vi Wickam
In YOUR MUSIC AND PEOPLE, Derek Sivers elucidates, simply and elegantly, how seemingly small gestures present large in the way one’s music and character are perceived. In giving, one receives. There are lessons eloquently offered here. YOUR MUSIC AND PEOPLE, is a valuable tool not only in selling one’s work, but in how to live. — Alki Steriopoulos
I loved this book. If you're musical/creative there is a lot here for you, however even for a non-musician (as I am) there's such a lot of good content and information here, it translates very well far beyond the musical realm. The book reads well and is very accessible, once I opened it I found myself devouring it in a couple of quick sessions, it's one of those books! — Andrew Riddell
Although applicable to any business, this is a book that definitely needs to be in the hands of everyone trying to make it in the music world. Everyone from songwriters to artists will have a whole new view of the music business and how best to use your talents, your time, and all your resources after absorbing the many helpful and thought-provoking ideas and suggestions contained in this book. — Donny Grace
Such a great read. He has a ton of practical tips, and none of it feels like a YouTube tutorial on how to become famous. I really appreciate his honesty and, as you probably know, he’s a super legit source of information. Plus the audiobook was amazing, and I could listen to those two voices all day. — Keith Trump
I love this book!! I'm not a musician but I've been able to apply the ideas to my work. It short yet packed with recommendations and inspiration. It has given me much clarity of where to put my time and attention. Thank you Derek!! — Heather
I loved how it was targeted at creatives, but holds advice for any type of art or industry. Sound advice that's accessible AND entertaining! A must-have for anyone looking to connect with themselves and their audiences! — Chris Kreuter
Derek’s words always resonate with me. This book is tailored for musicians, but it packs a lot of excellent advice for non-musicians on personal relationships, business, money, marketing, and more. — Said Hasyim
I am not a music person and still found the book offered practical and useful philosophical advice that can be applied to any creative endeavour. — evan mcneely
YM&P is the BS-free zen koan of marketing - collected wisdom as well as counter-intuitive thoughts.
Unlike books by "gurus", YM&P is the book that never ages. I have heard the audiobook atleast fifteen times and every now and then I get an aha when I connect a chapter with a real-life problem I am working on.
I enjoy sending excerpts of Derek's metaphors to my friends and colleagues. They "get" it. Everytime :) — Hitanshu GandhiThis is more than just applicable to music! I'm literally applying the tips in my daily life ~ Hell yeah, hill billy flaminko! I've been re-listening to it for, God knows how many times. Highly recommended for those who like unorthodox ways of marketing, networking, and living. — Han Wee Lim
Bite-sized wisdom. That's what's in this book.
It's bite-sized: just a bunch of one-or-two-page meditations on specific, interrelated, and important topics.
And it's wisdom: these aren't ideas that you can search for on the internet; these are deep reflections on those ideas from a smart person who cares about them.
If that doesn't convince you that you'll love this book, gosh, then maybe it's just not for you? (That's hard to imagine, though.) — Wes CarrollA++ for anyone with ears.
I'm not a musician; I work with words for writers, directors, studio/network execs and producers -- but THIS little book has been a great gift for anyone working with the spoken word (um, most of us.)
The concepts are so specific as to be universal, a wonderful gift for creatives of any stripe. (And as an itty-biz myself, it's got smart reminders about how to treat my "fans," my output, and my time.)
Leading by example, Sivers has most of his books available in most languages -- a great reminder that we all share so much.
This book reminds me to look up from my To-Do list, close my eyes, and listen. So glad it's in reach and out in the world. — Blair RichwoodTrue to Derek’s form, this book packs more wisdom and value per word than anything I’ve read all year. As always, his insights our entertaining, easily digestible, and broadly applicable. No need to think twice about buying this book… just hit the button. — Ian Silverberg
Simply fantastic, ESPECIALLY if you're not into music. It opens your mind. — Juan Martin Germano
Not just for musicians. Don't let the title fool you. This gem is great for anyone who is creating something whether it's art or business. — Richard
Don't let the title deceive you -- this book should be mandatory reading for anyone who creates for others, not just musicians. The standout idea to me was about what being "considerate" really looks like. Sometimes it means the need to be extreme! — Ben Crowl
Short, sweet, simple, and thought-provoking. I had to scribble like mad to keep up with the idea brainstorm I had pertaining to my own career as I was reading. I'm sure my notes more than doubled the actual word count of the book! Absolutely worth the read. — Bethany Brinton
I don't make music but I knew this book would have a lot of advice I could apply to my work (filmmaking), and it does. Each chapter was full of insights and actionable ideas. I love Sivers' unexpected point of view. He always provides a thought-provoking, intelligent take on topics I'm used to thinking about in a rote way. — Courtney Daniels
There is a certain elegance in simplicity.
Especially when the intent was not to be elegant in the first place. But to distill a topic to its very core.
Derek Sivers has proven once again why he is a master of this craft.
He formulates concepts you’re probably familiar with but with a stunning accuracy and precision.
The book explains and renders a path just as a map, not a guideline, if that makes sense.
It’s a true inspiration and should be read regularly. — Christopher BraucksThis book contains a lot of wisdom - time and energy saving gems - that took me decades to dawn on me. Derek's words are punchy, clear, warm and direct.
For example, I especially like the idea that "Marketing is an extension of your art". He doesn't tell you how to do it. No one can. That's your 'job' and, if you do it right, it's a really fun job. He goes on to encourage us to experiment and do things that have never been done before. "Playing it safe is the worst thing you could do". — Walt SargentLoaded with powerful, practical strategies for building your own success system. Based on real-world business for real-world use. Sparks endless ideas. Handy. To the point. I got one for myself, and one for a client. It has more-than paid off. — Andrea Sharp
Read, and loved, a series of short articles. It’s about the music industry but it applies to all businesses. In fact, we think it should be called Careers advice for anyone who creates content - as learned from a career in the music industry, the most competitive content market on Earth. — Karl Blanks
The wisdom contained in this book is priceless. It not only applies to music, but to authors and other creatives as well. A very inspiring read! Thanks for writing this! — Mark OMeara
I wasn’t initially planning on reading the book because I know nothing about music but the table of contents really intrigued me and I've always loved Derek's style of writing, so I bought it. Also, I suspect I’m addicted to books :)
Here are my general and specific comments:
Overall, I loved the book. There is no-fluff and the book has bite-sized chapters, every chapter has only the crux, nothing more, nothing less-- this is Derek's typical style of writing and I love it. I know how hard it is to write this way as I write quite a bit as well (mostly for myself and my research), so really well done. I also, surprisingly, really loved the simplicity of the cover.
Specific comments:
1.) For me the "Considerate communication" and "Touch as many of their senses as you can" were two of the most useful chapters in the book at this point in my life. I plan on implementing these techniques when I promote my book. Both are great insights that I hadn’t thought about earlier.
2.) "Small gifts go a long way", "Persistence is polite" and "Repeatedly follow-up to show you care" chapters hit home with me. I’ve done all these things over the years and these have been crucial to whatever career success I have enjoyed till now. One example : It took me four instances to convince my PhD supervisor to take me on as his student :)
Overall, I think Your Music and People is a great book that will help many creatives and not just musicians. Thank you so much for putting it out in the world. — Dhanachitra KannanThis book is a gold mine, especially for someone like me who spent his whole life on scales and arpeggios and not very much on relating to people. I almost hesitate to admit that I devoured the book in two days flat—possibly too fast! But I’ll be keeping it close at hand as a reference. As an instrumentalist, my favorite bit of advice from this book is that instrumental music does better if it fulfills a specific, stated purpose. Thanks for your great work, Derek! — Michael Lawrence
This is the best book on marketing I've ever read! It's inspiring and applies to any content creator, not just musicians. I recommend the audiobook. — Nick Culbertson
A description of a great way of life and a great perspective of how to see the world. My favorite piece of advice was to see industries and groups of people, and to connect with these people to connect with the industry. — Lashwin Kumaran
Another one of my all time favourite books, again short and succinct and able to be applied to creativity in any kind of business. I have read and listened to this book multiple times and each time I take more concepts into my life. Thanks again Derek. — Sharyn Bessell-Browne
Loved it, and it found me at exactly the right time when I was shifting my career to focus more on my own creative projects, including music. Art and creative work are so much more than just the "act of creation" itself. Marketing is creative as well, and it's part of an artists job. And it's also an art: the art of understanding and interacting with people, and making things that people want. — Max Frenzel
The principles in this book are so important and pithy. "The Industry" is just people like you and me. Huge. HUGE. Love this book!!! — Derek Carlson
While the title of this book might seem to speak to musicians only, I found it to be an excellent book on the art of marketing. While it does a great job of being “a philosophy of getting your work to the world by being creative, considerate, resourceful, and connected.” on a deeper level, it taught me a lot about empathy, about seeing your work from others perspectives and about the act of thinking creatively about the possibilities that abound when you sit down and truly consider, “what is it for?” when it comes to getting your work into the hands of those who you seek to engage with.
It’s story-filled (and Derek’s stories are always well told, concise and informative), actionable, and also…worth a listen. So get the audio version too! — Conor McCarthyPerhaps the most interesting marketing book I have read in my 40 Years of Sales & Marketing life. Liked the fresh outlook, sharp questioning mind and a humane approach to the subject. — Sudhir Nerurkar
This is an amazing list of concise marketing advice for musicians that could also be applied well outside the music industry. The advice is extremely useful while being as profound and concise as you would expect from Mr. Sivers. I've read it twice and already have plans to read it again. — Brian Rounds
I'm not a musician, but this isn't a book just for musicians. It's for anyone interested in people, relationships and values. I cannot recommend it enough. — Oli Holland
If you're a budding musician, then stop everything you're doing and read this book right now
Your Music and people is a incredible read with timeless ideas on how to 'make it' in the music biz
While the book has a music lens to it, it is a fantastic read for anyone looking to build a community or an audience
I especially love that the chapters are short and succinct. Derek manages to communicate his ideas with exceptional clarity in this quaint little book
Highly recommend!! — Atman PandyaAfter reading this book, just about everything became clear from my 35+ cloudy years being a musician/songwriter. I wish I had this book when I was starting out. Nothing but truth. Derek's insights are extremely important for the future of creativity. — Mike Echlin
A compelling, pragmatic guide for musicians, writers, podcasters, programmers, artists, and creators of all stripes seeking to build an audience and make an impact. In a world overflowing with tactical advice that encourages short-term growth hacking, Derek’s considerate, generous commitment to process and principles is exactly the kind of actionable balm you need to make change happen by making good art. — Eliot Peter
Derek brings perspective to everything he does. Like School of Life, one of its primary values is that it has a clear, consistent and straightforward perspective.
I went to school for music and do not do it professionally, but the wisdom in the book is applicable to many things.
Do you have lots of friends in music, but you do not do it yourself? Are you a huge fan of music and musicians but you can't carry a tune in a bucket? You might actually enjoy this book more than anyone else who reads it, because it's from the perspective of a person from a group of people you really resonate with and the lessons are portable. Just buy it and read it. Each little mini-chapter is doable in only a few minutes. Like a 5 minute morning or evening meditation. — Justin HaynesYour Music and People has had more impact than any other in recent memory on how I think about communicating, networking, and marketing myself in my career. Derek is one of my favorite writers. And I'm nothing close to a musician. The lessons are infinitely transferable. Read this book! — Kyle Clark-Sutton
This is one of the most practical, well written, concise books on philosophy I have read. Even though disguised as extremely useful advise, it is indeed a well thought out philosophy of life and how to navigate some of the turns on the way to wherever you may be headed. If you get the physical copy it will be easier to use a highlighter and fold the corners of the pages that speak to you (my copy of "anything you want" is like that). — Doug Barnett
This book "Your Music And People" gives many people an opportunity to create better music, lyrics and build a foundation around their music business. I feel this is a great book for them to learn from your experiences and it teaches them it does not happen overnight their successes. Great book I would promote to my students. — Jennarosa
What I love about this book is that under each topic, you get a simple but profound message that is not limited to the field of music. The messages seem to come from direct experience and careful reflection. When you are open, they reach home. — Chintha Geeganage
A really good guide to review and shape your mindset about your craft, your art, your business, your lifestyle… Every parent should offer it to their kids and every artist/entrepreneur should read it. — Rémi Raher
I have gained such great perspectives on music & life from Derek Siver’s writings during the past decade. And this book is chock full of his insights. Derek has a way of getting you to realize all the things you could do be doing better. Much of it is invigoratingly counter-intuitive, and just plain joyful to think about. This book will help you go further. Dive in! — Bill MacKay
Really inspirational and thought-provoking! I kept having to put it down while my mind spun up ideas. It’s relatively easy to apply this advice to any creative work. One of my top reads this year! — Tracy D
Your Music and People is an inspiring look at how to be different in a world of sameness. It reminded me of why I play music in the first place, thanks for your perspective, Derek! — Doug Anderson
I don't make music, I teach yoga and movement but I thought Derek probably has some transferrable wisdom... and I wasn't disappointed. Your Music and People is full of information and guidance to get your music (or whatever you're into) out into the world (community) in way that is real to you as well as what people want to hear or experience. Some challenging and thought provoking questions around our money beliefs/taboos and promotion. One piece of advice that really resonated with me :Make up a curious answer to a common question. When asked "What kind of Music/Yoga/Movement do you do? Be creative in your description and don't be limited by the question but instead make people feel curious about what you do. I highly recommend this book for musicians/anyone else wanting to move their work forward. It's a short read that packs a big ol punch. Thanks Derek. — Rae Heta
I really liked this book, Derek has a knack for transmitting knowledge in a fun and entertaining way, he doesn't beat around the bush, he is very concise, with very practical advice for any artist, be it a beginner or a professional. This book talks a lot about the importance of the human factor, of the artist's interpersonal relationships with all the people he meets throughout his career, from the one who sweeps the venue where you are going to play, to a senior executive of a record company, everything is it deals with people, and we must treat them as we would like to be treated. I really recommend it. — Jalil Rendón
What I love about 'Your Music and People' is that it feels like a collection of windows into new possibilities and mindsets, rather than an explicit and technical music business 'how-to' guide. Each chapter planted seeds in my mind, motivating me to grow them in my own personal way. Derek understands that as musicians, artists and creators, we thrive on inspiration and encouragement, and this book is abundant in both. — Rowan Stuart
I love the simplicity and organization of this book. It's one of the few books I have dipped into more than 3 times because it is easy to find a chapter that relates to your challenge or an area you want to improve, and the writing is as concise as the information. Brilliant stuff - thanks for creating it Derek! — Lee Harris
One of the things I most love about Derek Sivers is the quiet revolution he managed to achieve in the music industry, in his typically unassuming way, with CD Baby.
This little gem of a book about the music industry - and your and my part in it - is a fabulous read. I refer back to it when I need to remind myself what I'm after, and the price I need to pay to get there.
Derek is a really great guy, and it shows in this book. Read it and wince with pain as you realise how much you still have to sacrifice to get where you want to be - and then be happy that someone finally showed you the way... — Rob RodellDerek gives super practical advice on how to approach the music biz by putting people first. Loved the casual and you-can-do-this tone of the book. It’s like having a friend who’s been to the mountain top show you where to step - making the journey easier and more fun. — Jason Smircich
A great look into the human side of creating works of aesthetic for profit. Great perspectives on both sides of the equation, too. — Irving Axel Rivas
I'm an old musician with lots of mileage and I really enjoyed reading this. I learned some new things and was reacquainted with things that I had learned over the years as a working musician. I passed the book to my youngest daughter Katie as she is a working musician also and I feel Deredk's book is better than lectures from Dad. — Charlie Gray
I simply loved reading the book. It’s good advice in a really entertaining way. Sometimes, it’s like “Oh, I thought the same”, but most of the time it’s more like “Wouldn’t have thought so. Good to know”. I really enjoyed reading the book. — Dominik Monz
The pursuit of knowledge can be tiresome amd frustrating. Derek has a way of breaking down thoughts and process that is eerily motivations. A quick little refresh to help get yourself back to the drawing board. — Kyle Robinson
An essential read for all musicians. A practical and realistic view of the realities every musician faces and how they can overcome, achieve, and conquer their personal mountains. — David Andrew Wiebe
After spending years trying to understand how to market music i read this and now i actually feel like i know what to do. Easy to read and full of actual advice rather than spam strategies. Loved it! — Iain MacLeod
I am always interested in what Derek has to day, so in spite of having z-e-r-o musical ability (other than appreciation), I bought Your Music and People. I have to say it was a pleasant and very educational surprise. A fast, but helpful read that I could pick up and put down. To have handy when I needed a bit of a spark or boost to creatively consider what I was reading and how to apply it to my situation and plans. Thanks Derek. — Chris Stout
Not a musician, but this helped me a lot with my creative side and also in channeling my thoughts and energy in the right directions. important takeaways for both life and business, even if it seems aimed at music :) — Henrik Saetre
This book isn't just for musicians. It provides business insights and really applies in any part of life to improve how you present your ideas and how people receive them. Highly recommend. — Michael Twardowski
I read this unsure of what to expect, but trusting Derek. I'm not a musician, but this book is certainly *not* just about music. I greatly enjoyed this book, but only because I mentally replaced every instance of "music" with "art", "project", or "work" because it still applies.
The audiobook is wonderful. I've listened to it twice. — Chris LakinAs a content creator, I found this book is valuable in teaching me how to balance my income and pursue my art journey. Highly recommend it to people who want to be a creator while working in wage slavery for now. Start from the side hustle and go all in once you are ready (you will know it). — Camellia Yang
Enjoyable and entertaining to read, and full of clear advice that is definitely applicable to non-musicians too. It felt like Derek was talking directly to me the whole time! — Salina Fisher
Through this book Derek helped me to have a better vision towards what I want to do in terms of career. Totally recommend it! — Tudor Sirbu
Right from the beginning you always said yes to everything put in front of you even when you weren't sure. You learned as you went along. This book is an inspiration for all who have dreams and have yet to fulfil. — Pete Fegredo
Really enjoyed listening to this book (ha!) it gave a lot of very logical and nice tips for organizing and releasing your music output, especially with regards to what mind set you should have, which is VERY valuable. Loved it and recommended for everyone who is at the point with their band/music project to release their music! — Mathijs Andel
Surprisingly simple advice yet extremely insightful. It is clear it comes from someone who lived and experienced the music business and also the music path. — Angel
I've read a fair amount, and it's often the simplest(shorter) books by people who have actually done the work that resonate with me. This is one of those books. I'm not even a music person, but concepts that work across industries, like most of these, are worth even more. — Billy Van Jura
I bought 22 copies to give to the financial advisors I'm responsible for leading at my firm. Regardless of the industry you're in, Derek's stories remind us that creativity isn't reserved for so-called "creatives". Marketing yourself should come from a place of authenticity. You do you! Thanks, Derek! — Ryan Guth
Not just for musicians.
This book is phenomenal, the lessons can be applied to business and life in general. Your music could be accounting!
What I love, is that Derek gets to the point. Each chapter is short, but contains a fully formed pearl of wisdom, no fat, no padding. It’s all killer, no filler.
If I could recommend one non-fiction book to you, it would be this one. I loved it. I particularly enjoyed the audiobook :) — Clint BrownThis is my second book from Derek, after How to Live.
I'm getting fond of Derek's format in writing. It's direct and short, which makes it so convenient to read, even if you just have 5 minutes to do so.
I just love how he puts everything in such simple terms, yet the message it conveys is so profound.
After finishing each chapter of the book, I felt like I need to share it with my band mates, and of course I did!
I highly recommend this book even for non musicians (musicians will find this significantly more direct) because the value it packs is simply amazing. — Mohamad Fauzi Md DarusIt's not about music; it's about how you stay curious, open-minded, and do the right thing. If you follow this book, you will be able to see opportunities everywhere you go. — Manjula Liyanage
This book is fantastic! It's one of the best books I've ever read on building a brand, finding an audience and staying true to yourself. Great read, way better/different than the typical business books on the market. — Jim Simcoe
I respect music enough not to play any instruments and I def can’t sing or rap ha. This book is aimed at helping “musicians” to get their work out in the World BUT you can replace “musician” with any other role and find Derek’s suggestions useful. I really like that creativity isn’t limited to the actual songs but is just as true for marketing/business/connection. — Zak Mensah
Fantastic book! With tips like screaming at potential business partners (in the best way possible) and realistic info on what to expect in the industry. It's not a "follow these ten steps for guaranteed fame" it's more "being you, sharing your music and building a loyal fan base." — Kole McRae
I found this book intriguing and inspiring. I am a lawyer, not a music person. Yet most of Derek's thoughts and advice applies better to my daily work and life than any other marketing or business development book I have ever read (believe me, I am well read). I cannot recommend it enough. — Roberto Luzi Crivellini
I love this book.
It's about being a successful musician yet it is also using musician as a metaphor for being successful at anything we choose.
Derek recommends having two plans that you work simultaneously.
One plan depends on you and nobody else. The second plan uses other people to help.
I think this is genius and so I now have two plans. — Ian BerryA special book about MUCH MORE than music. And a book that I often revisit to learn more about being a better person! — David Nebinski
Derek has written a great resource for those looking to build from 1 to 1000 true fans...his metaphors applied across all creative and business pursuits. — Dave
Mr. Sivers has a talent for breaking down complex situations (such as independent musicianship) into simple concepts and actions. His advice is clear and easy to follow, and should be helpful to any aspiring independent musician or artist. Last but not least, it's coming from the author's experience as a musician and an innovator in independent music distribution, so pay attention folks! — Ari Ben-Yam
The interesting thing about this book is how fast you will read through it, while highlighting the understandable gems of wisdom therein. Just when I thought I knew all about performance and people, Derek gives profound advice on how to elevate your artistry to the next level - benefiting both you and the listener. You are losing out if you don’t get this book and apply the simple, effective concepts that brought success to a local professional like me. -Mark Wayne — Mark Wayne
I love this book! I go back to it over and over again. The ideas are inspirational, fresh, and counter intuitive. If you’ve been stuck in a rut and you need a whole new paradigm for the way you treat your music career, look no further than this excellent masterpiece by one of the most beloved personalities in the indie music business! — Jeremy Ferrick
This book really makes you think in new ways about your music and how it effects others. It is a useful book to go back and read a second time as you continue to become more relevant in your circle of influence. It will help you grow. It will help you more forward in places that you did not see a way to do that before. — Doug Harper
Twenty years ago, Derek Sivers took my phone call when my old band got onto CD Baby. We talked for almost an hour, and I learned more in that hour than in many months previous, trying to launch a band. I’ve often wanted to revisit that conversation. This is the book I’ve been waiting for. I read it (twice) a year ago. Then came Covid and The Great Pause in the music business. For the past week I’ve been re-reading it with highlighter in hand. It has become our guidebook on, not only marketing strategy, but principles in dealing with people who make and move music. This book excites me! And the audio version is fantastic! — Mike Tuttle
Great book! Loved that each chapter was simple, short and how it explains the networking world so easily and in a very simple way. Wonderful tips not only for musicians but for everyone who struggles with networking and how to get inside the door of your industry or in whatever you're passionate about! Liked more having a hard-cover copy and the digital copy. It's a book that you can come back and read it again when you feel you need it! — Jonathan Tafel
I read this when it came out not because I'm a musician, but because Sivers is a well thought out human. I loved it. I also recommended it to at least 4 others in the music/creativity/business game since it was so good. A must read for anyone creating (which should be everyone!). — Patrick
I just finished the book, and I loved every second of it! Derek writes with contagious clarity that makes you listen - as it's obvious that he has thought deeply about it, and that he has something to say about it.
I loved the format, with short thought-provoking essays. You can pick up the book every now and then and get something out of it. That format is probably the best for the future of books; great ideas, clearly explained, and that you can dip into whenever you feel like it.
I've been a fan of Derek for a long time, because his kind and generous spirit shines through with everything he does, and as a thinker, he highlights the "why do you make it so complicated?"-approach, which most people could benefit from.
I don't usually write reviews, I'm sad to say, but Derek has given me so much through his ideas that I wanted to give a small review back, and urge everyone to get this book.
I'm now on to reading "Hell Yeah or No", and after I've finished it, I'll email Derek to talk about them.
Get this book - we could all use some Derek Sivers in our lives :) — Henrik EriksenI have no music experience but this may be one of the most useful books I’ve ever read — Mike Garman
Derek changed my life. This book is amazing and will teach you a lot about how to create your career in music. He’s been there, he’s done it. As a professional musician that’s been in the field my whole life, I highly recommend this, and every book he writes! — John O'Leary
I'm not a musician. I won't become a musician. Yet, this book felt incredibly relevant to me. I love it, and I will keep recommending it to my friends (who are also not musicians). — Johannes Wilke
The book is full of practical, everyday situations, solutions, given with a great sense of humor. I plan to read it again once a year to refresh what I have learned. — Tony Sala
Very enjoyable. Lots of fun anecdotes and insights that are more about base principles (not time bound). Definitely worth a read. — Jonathan Mccary
I love Derek’s way of thinking and the nuggets of wisdom I glean from the stories he shares, which have helped guide me when I’ve been feeling stuck in knowing how to get my work out into the world, not as a musician, but as a writer. This little book is a true source of inspiration for everyone who wants to create and share something they're passionate about. Thanks, Derek :) — Carmel O' Reilly
The title says Your Music and People but Music could be replaced with Creations, Art, Writing, Painting, almost any creative endeavour.
One of my favourite takeaways is “marketing is the final extension of your art”. Jesus probably lived a good life but the Bible lets us all know about it.
This is another of Derek’s books I bought multiple copies of before reading, one for me to write on, underline, draw in between the margins and the rest to give to others knocking on the door of their inner artist.
A must read for anyone wanting to make things people want to share with their friends. — Daniel BourkeWhenever Derek Sivers releases a book, I typically buy a few copies and give them to friends because I know it's going to be fantastic. "Your Music and Your People" is no exception. I love the short chapters, inspiring content, and Derek's unique way of communicating that makes EVERY SINGLE PAGE a gold mine. This is not just a book for musicians--it's a book for everyone doing creative work of any kind. Do yourself and your career a huge favor and grab the book now! — Kent Sanders
Not just for musicians...essential lessons of life, baked into bite-sized nuggets of a thoroughly enjoyable book. — David Kowal
A great source of inspiration and ideas for everybody, not just people involved in music. Check the ideas against what you’ve done to get where you are. If the ideas are in your head, move them to your heart and take action. — Robert Allen
This book has very specific direction and calls to action. While it is aimed at musicians generally, there are nuggets of wisdom throughout the book that any artist (or even businessperson) can apply to their lives. These quotes from near the end of the book sum it up quite well: “Whatever excites you, go do it. Whatever drains you, stop doing it.” A thoroughly enjoyable read. — Steve Gulsvig
Fabulous book. Very helpful in helping musicians think outside the box for marketing. Highly recommended. — Wendy Stevens
Back in the day I managed a small band and I help out a friend with his music.
This book has so many nuggets and strategies that even if you are not into music you will enjoy the stories. — Dilantha NanayakkaraExcellent human aspect to the music business. It's given me a new perspective to running my indie label. — Dexter Sy
Thank you for writing Your Music and People, Derek.
I’m no musician but you’ve accidentally(?) created my favourite book on business development. — Steve GillesI love this book because of how it reminds you how your music is so much more an extension of who you are. It’s a lifestyle and relationships both with your fans and the people you work with are paramount. — Sean Flaherty
What I love about Derek is that he can be simple, yet profound on his writing and content. And this book is just like that! An easy and joyful reading that provide lessons not only on music, but on how to approach life. Thanks for the wonderful contribution, Derek! ;) — Henrique de Moraes
I like the short chapters (like the blog). I like that it's applicable to so many areas (not just music, but also marketing or, in my case, video course creation). And I like the tone (it feels like it's written for a specific friend and I'm reading over their shoulder).
I like it so much that I'm rationing myself so that I can only consume a post or two per day. — Ron HogueOriginal. Personal. Concise. Warm. Inviting. Conceptual. Practical. Beautiful. Clean. Provoking. For sharing. Accessible. Easy. 'How does Derek do this?' 'I want to try writing like this'. — Anson Friend
I highly recommend to anyone in the work of creating something. The book is nominally for musicians, but I'm not a musician, and I took a lot of notes. I first read the ebook, then ordered the hard cover from Derek and re-read it immediately.
If you've read his essays, you know the type of deep and counterintuitive thinker he is, and how he's able to succinctly frame and reframe deep ideas. — Rob GonzalezI have purchased Derek's well written material before and he never fails to amaze me with with his continues words of wisdom and insightfulness!
Derek is a master of communications and always remains relevant in this ever changing universe. — Peter GruettnerThis book is for anybody who creates anything: artists, creators, inventors, entrepreneurs.
We pour our hearts and souls into what we do, but when it comes to putting our work out there, a lot of us suffer, or simply think that we don’t know how to do that. We forget, or don't realize, that we can be as creative with our marketing.
This book taught me that the best way to stand out and be remembered is through authenticity and consideration, while being persistent and unafraid to exclude people. Finding the thin line between these is an art within itself.
Such a great book!
One last thought: I read it first and then listened to it a little while later - I was amazed by how my brain focused on different things when I listened to it, and how that offered me a different (or broader) perspective, helping me fine-tune the conclusions. Highly recommend doing that! — Federico Rios RodriguezI can not say enough great things about this E-Book (Your Music And People) purchase.
I have been following/knowing Derek Sivers for quite some time now (back when he owned CD Baby). What an amazing guy, so valuable to mankind. Derek has produced and provided so many valuable assets (to us humans) through his years of relentless work efforts with superb output. This E-Book purchase for example (Your Music And People).
When I started reading this E-book, I was met with feelings of disbelief of the contents/information provided within. This E-Book explains all the major contributing factors (and more), pointing out the appropriate approach needed to be pursued in order to advance in the direction for business success with our music. The E-Book explains everything from how to "Market Music " to how we should "Interact With Our Customers". This is the same type of valuable information/training that is being advertised all over the internet and individuals must pay large sums of money to receive it's training. Given the enormous length of experience that Derek has within the music business/industry, it amazes me and I am so grateful that Derek shared "his" valuable wealth of knowledge at such a small price.
It has always been said that "Knowledge is Power"! Well this E-Book presents both the knowledge and power that one needs to blast them off in the right direction for music business success. Thank you Derek for all you do! What a great man!!!!!! — Clarence Stephens JrA great book from a great musician. Many, many valuable lessons in this book.
I love how the book is organized into small manageable chunks. You will appreciate the time and care that went into editing this book down and polishing it into a perfect pearl of a book for musicians. — Joey ChangMusic? Sure. But this is a book for the uncertain. Regardless of the craft. If you ever feel unsure about what you're doing, or what you should do next, or why, this book will guide you to the answers. Full of practical advice that spans any endeavor, this book stripped the remaining ignorance that I used to hide behind. I'm not doing that anymore (See pg 58). — Norm Wright
This book is a power punch of hard-won life experience that is remarkably easeful and FUN to digest. Derek’s ability to articulate this wisdom into concisely practical, empowering and encouraging action steps is incredibly helpful for a mind like mine - which is one like a darting hummingbird trying to figure out which flower i should try first as I grow in my music career. After reading Your Music and People, I found myself chomping at the bit to kick it up a notch and have the confidence to go for it! Thank you, Derek, for taking the time to create such a marvelous tool and for your infectious enthusiasm! — Hannah Johnson
This book completely transformed the way I think about my own creative endeavours. — Francisco Salas
I found this book easy to read and at times with character descriptions that made me laugh out loud. For music creatives like myself ( who aren't always the greatest organizational wizards) it was inviting to keep turning pages for the chunked down expert info & good advise delivered simply and to the point! — Candace Asher
As always the case with every new book by Derek, I found in this one wealth of useful insights, tons of practical information and also new fresh angle on the things I've already known as well as some real discoveries and revelations. I like to get back to reading it for refreshing my mind set as a professional and individual after having read it all through for the first time. Excellent food for thoughts. Keep up the great job, Derek, as your loyal reader I can't wait to open up and read and re-read your next book! — Ruslan Moiseev
A lovely book on packaging your work and communicating with people in general — Charles Miele
A refreshing perspective on many things, including effective marketing and authentic self-expression, and how to do both at the same (which many people worry is impossible) — Steven Davenport
Damn good and not just for music people! — Stefan Frede
Derek is a connoisseur of books and information. So when he shares his knowledge in the form of a book, I am interested. I have read several of his books. Each one presents actionable data. 'Your Music and People' is no exception. If you create or love music, you will enjoy this book. Besides, you will be supporting someone contributing cool things into the universe. More good in the world is not a bad deal. — Steven Frazier
This is book really lays out the business/ creative mind conflict that all (almost)artists have and struggle with. Derek breaks down the ultimately unnecessary divide between the two mindsets in a fun and simple way. — Colin McKay
I don’t create music, but this book was a gem. One inspiring outlook on life, on relating with others, on being a better human, after another. Derek is a thought leader, a voracious reader and his writings show this. — Elizabeth Taska
Simple stories that have profound insights. — John Rokos
Have recommended it to every serious musician and marketing professional that I know :) It keeps giving me new insights when I am feeling stuck. — Gaute Dahl Wardenær
A wonderful, key-fact companion to help guide the music entrepreneur through the music business wilderness! — Anthony Vineberg
Expanded my thinking about the creative process and how to engage others in creative endeavours. Applicable to anyone who is involved in any creative work - which is theoretically everyone because life itself is a creative force. — Matthew Laing
This book delivers a highly original, entertaining, and intelligent take on navigating the music business life, and life in the music business - as I pivot and navigate the opportunities presented to me currently in my own career. — David Barrett
A few highlights from a remarkable book:
—Hate mildly
—How you do anything is how you do everything. It matters.
—America is the land of overconfidence.
—Many people are so worried by looking good that they never accomplish anything great. Many people are so worried by doing something great that they never do anything at all.
—Maybe people are just playing their part in the situation you helped create.
—Seeking patterns in randomness is called apophenia. (Thanks for that!)
And through a Derek-esque style conciseness, "Your Music and People"is like a puzzle champion taking over your thinking process you never quite handled properly as a mere human being. And yet, just like music, a non-fiction 'tour-de-force" can "make our life more poetic and beautiful". — Erika LemayOne of the most concise, informative books I have ever read about how to navigate in the arts. A+!! — Edgar Struble
What Derek writes about music applies to any creative venture. The stories and principles will change how you think about what you do. — Matt Pfleger
Instead of seeking validation for what you do,do more with this book in hand. — Chris Parker
Although based around music, it's written in a way that makes it very easy to extract the underlying principle. — Diogo Melo
As a member of a 'one-hit wonder' band, it's easy to be negative about the music business. But the book taught me to view the positive side of things, and there are many, and to be proud of what we have accomplished, and to build on the love we get from our devoted fans. They want us to succeed! — John Picard
Lovely little short and thoughtful quips that are always packed with wisdom - definitely take this on your next flight! — Justin Khanna
I'm a musician/songwriter and it inspired me so much I bought two more hardcover books to give to my friends. One is a songwriter and the other is an author and they both were very appreciative and shared what they especially enjoyed. Briefly, stated, "A very good." — Dave Puls
First I thought it would not really be for me, as I'm not a musician. Man, I was wrong! It spoke to me a lot, and I loved it. — Giovana Vitola
I pretty much buy very book Derek Sivers writes. There is something about his writing that is absent of the superfluous, the unnecessary, yet offers up insight after insight. — Peter Klugsberger
Don't let the word Music in the title fool you. This book is as much about life and the art of running or managing any business as it is to the music business. All of Derek's writings are written to make us think, and this book again does that. It's a short read, to the point as are all of his writings, and well worth your time. — Tim Merrill
I'm not a musician, but am a creator. Super useful for anyone who is into marketing you and/or your services. — Sam Ko
Great guide to connecting. Derek Sivers brings so much to the table. He has a genius for giving that helps you realize your dreams. Thank you!! — Steve DiLauro
I'm not in the music business, but I'm trying to get into the movie/screenwriting business, and a lot of things overlap in my opinion. So this is helpful for any artist out there. I recommend it. — Pau Oliver
This is a must read by entrepreneur or anyone who works independently. Written in simple language but with powerful words. Derek - Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge through such beautiful book! — Amod Gokhale
I'm not a musician but the book contains meaningful insights and advice for any walk of life. You just need to read between the lines — Paola Baccigalupo
I first heard about Derek Sivers on the Tim Ferris’s podcast and now have three of his books.
His back story is amazing and covered in a previous book.
This book is written about music and musicians, but it really applies to any creative endeavor.
Good ideas to help you get your music (or creative work) out there.
Short read – recommend — Neale BlackwoodI think this book is so good I got extra copies and gave it to my friends who are attempting a music career.
In my opinion, it's a must read for anyone wanting to succeed with music.
And it's a fun and easy read, which is a nice bonus ^_^ — Rasmus BasilierI'm an IT guy but this book helped me a lot to understand customers and the business world. — Zoltan Flamis
It's a wonderful read, worth the time and it's a must read for music enthusiasts. — Anuj Khurana
This book is a great gift for the aspiring artist in your life. It helps them set as their goal be making 100% of their income from their creative talents. — Clo Willaerts
Lovely direct and easy reading. Full of thoughtful nuggets in every chapter that make you need to stop and read again. Lessons for life! — Pol Femenias
Awesome collection of thoughts on marketing. Not only for creative people. — Jan
I give this book to anyone who's thinking about a creative career. — David Hayes
A book with lessons for the world of music but also for life in general, no matter what you do, these little life lessons will open your eyes. — carlos
Despite not being a musician, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s a collection of life lessons that, while being brought together by a single theme, can each stand on their own. I took some of them to heart while others didn’t really click with me - and I’d call that a win ^_^ — Oleksii Kyrylchuk
A wonderfully thoughtful book. Although written for musicians, it is helpful to everyone in the arts. Derek reminds us that the artistic process is one of the two hard parts of being creative. A very helpful book and highly recommended. — David Seidel
I’ve read Hell Yea or No, and Your Music and People multiple times. Both are books you’ll read over and over again. — Joe Romano
I love Derek's succinct way of sharing ideas, which are just as useful outside the world of music. — Nikola Tošić
Refreshingly simple life advice, thoughtfully distilled. Very Derek Sivers! — Jing Lang
Also a while ago that i read this masterpiece, but what comes to my mind pretty fast is the part about social interactions. And also having a database for your friends and the people you know. I implemented it in Notion including a calendar where i can immediately see birthdays etc.
Thank you very much for that :-). — Dustin SchermaulAs a musician and a big fan of Derek Sivers' philosophy, this book has been pure joy to read for me.
If you're interested in topics of life principles/authenticity/usefulness, this is a must-read. — PetrAwesome, insightful and enjoyable — Grant
Insightful, funny and helpful for career musicians. I enjoyed this book! — Tim Barton
As a musician, this book of paradoxes tells the story exactly how it should be. There is no one way and no right way. Derek once again provides a gift through his writings. I bought 2 — David Diaz
Incredible! I'm not a pro musician yet so many useful takeaways for my own creative/professional endeavors. — Michael Kavanagh
Wonderful advice for musicians that can be applied to life and work. The prompt to "take your audience/clients/investors/supporters on the adventure with you" sticks with me for some reason..your role, when you're in the spotlight, is to help them be the protagonist too — Michael Winlo
Once again I can't say enough about the inspiration that I glean from Derek Sivers' writing and ideas. Your Music And People is action-oriented and after experiencing the audio book I cannot wait to take action. Thank you Derek! — Ivan Orr
A wonderful book from the perspective of someone who has been there, I find myself quoting from the book when I run into the multitude of problems we musicians face, I recommend this book to anyone involved in the music industry. — Hanks Martin
Musicians who feel lost on their career path would do well to read this book and internalize Derek’s advice. — Topher Keene
The book was written for my daughter in law and my son; they are in the design/artistic/creative business and they require for somebody in the same industry to talk to them in their words. Business tips for creative entrepreneurs! — Esteban Sevilla
Derek Sivers books are mantra materials in my world. I often quote him within my mind and with my partner when navigating through business and life engagements. They are a must have!! I'll love to meet him in person one day!! — Shannon Harris
Thoughtful meditations on life and music. — Ingvi Thor
Your Music and People is a fantastic read full of great advice for creativity, business, and life in general. It's organized in a way that makes it easy to revisit topics as inspiration is needed. — Jonathon Dewveall
This book is a powerful resource of ideas and support for doing what you love and finding your tribe for which to share it. — Darren Kramer
'Your Music And People' is a very helpful and inspiring book, chock full of great, easy to implement ideas for all musicians going DIY with their careers. Find your niche! — Fred Spek
Incredible words full of invaluable insight, transferable to many areas of life! — Sharon Dolenc
A good friend of mine taught a music business class for years.
I think he could have saved himself some time by giving everyone a coupy of "Your Music and People," and telling them to go home.
Great read/advice for musicians wanting to make their mark. — Ryan KellyDerek is one of my faves. I'm not a musician but this book is so much more than music. It truly is a business book. I find his style of writing to be calming. For some reason it helps me reset and think things through. I can't recommend his books enough.
(Honestly, I read his book "Anything you want" once or twice a year!) — Peter SanchezNot just for musicians. Great life and marketing lessons here! — Dan Wingard
This should probably be called "Your Art and People" because there's so much non-music stuff in here. It was so good I'm going to go read it again! — Paul Mignard
An excellent, creative book with fun examples! I listened to audio version first...and I loved hearing Derek's voice and interesting introductions! Thanks! — Leah Michelle Hamilton
Punchy. 1 page at a time thought-provoking ideas and stories. It helps me get out of my own way, and get to making things. — Nick Dancer
Love Derek's approach to book writing. 'Your Music and People' is yet another great book. It's lessons apply even if you're not in the music business! — Andrew Kalek
In a certain sense, we are all musicians and this book shows us why and how. — Joel Rubin
Phenomenally insightful, creative, and resourceful. After reading it, I now keep it on my desk as a go-to reference book and creativity booster for thinking outside of the box about my music career. — Stu Todd Whitworth
The bit about keeping in regular touch with alllll your contacts felt radical, but has been surprisingly wonderful — Daniel Lobb
An inspirational book that goes beyond music. It has helped me in many aspects of my life. — Joshua Galinato
Great read - Derek's prose is concise and refined. Very cool inside-baseball for the music industry specifically but this advice extends far beyond that. — David Wells
A unique view on how to manage a career, marketing and one of the best references on people skills. Not exhaustive, but the bullet points to steer you in the right direction. — Helder Silva
"Marketing just means being considerate" is a deep insight. Derek's words guide my decision-making and relationships on a daily basis. — Greg Kuhlmann
Derek has some real wisdom in this book about the choices needed to be considered by creative artists as they pursue their musical journey. — Mark Easley
The information in this book is expressed with precision and meaning. Derek Sivers presents actionable and powerful concepts that can be applied in an enjoyable manner to almost any business. — Tosin Tao
I found this book inspiring and a way to spark my own ideas. It's also nicely printed and a beautiful purple. If you're someone who likes bite-size chunks that will continue to inspire you, this is a good addition to your library. — Cady Finlayson
As I retired from a full time job that consumed my life and embarked on a new journey of self employment/entrepreneurship, this was the book for me. Easy read, practical and actionable, also grounded and stoic.
I’m biased because Derek is my favorite human being and I wish I got introduced to his work sooner. — Mahmoud ElmoralyNobody is better at putting more ideas into less words. Every word is critical to his writing. Thats why I love Derek's books. — Max Palmer
I loved YOUR MUSIC AND PEOPLE. These short sentences, packed with so much wisdom. This book is definitively no waste of time. I have read a lot, but this taught me the most important lessons in life. — Sindy Dörgeloh
I really liked this collection of ideas for creation and relating with others. They change the way you think about your work and the people helped through it. — Austin Moore
Much needed advice for musicians and all those pursuing creative endeavors and have yet to find their way. — Merrick Mosst
So simple, but so inspirational. Thanks, Derek,for your insighs, they have a really strong echo in me. — R. Dainius Blažys
As a visual artist, as a brick-and-mortar retailer, as a person who wants to "succeed" in life - the advice in this book is invaluable! — Matthew
If you are trying to market ANYTHING, buy this book. — Matt Javit
I don't plan to release music to the public. But most of what is in this book applies to life in general. Really liked it ! — Mathieu Arseneault
The content of this book shows a lot of objective analysis or precious experience from the author, Derek, hisself. Since he indeed engaged in the music industry including upstream and downstream for years.
For me, who is producing my album and planning my marketing strategies, some enlightenment is so important and also in time. — Yalcin ChenWish I had this book earlier in my music career. Thank you for demystifying so much of the industry and once again helping indie artists thrive. — Steve Welty
Great Book. The way Derek writes is friendly and informative and he has a lot of wisdom to share with his readers in a playful, yet insightful way. — Ellen Rubbo
It is a great book for anyone who is being creative in any way (and putting it out into the world). Don't let the 'music' in the title fool you, this book is not just for musicians — Filip Stanojevic
Derek has come at this topic from multiple angles having lived the music world wearing many hats. If you're an aspiring artist and you read it (and take it to heart) you'll save yourself a boatload of grief - & be that much wiser & more well-informed about how the music world really works. — Kelli Richards
Not just for musicians! Even all of the music-specific advice had lessons that were easily applicable to other creative work. Would recommend this to creators of all types. — Noah Bradley
Timeless advice for musicians and other creatives, that go beyond anything to do with social media or online marketing. — Nancy Ruth
Essential reference and motivation book for anyone involved in writing or performing music. — Laurence Petre Allen
Many helpful insider insights about music industry (a lot of them are great advices in general, not only for musicians). Short chapters, quick and easy to read. Definitely recommend :) — Mateusz Kowalczyk
I found some really profound lessons in this book. I take notes from every book I read and this one gave me quite a lot of material. Easy read and worth the time. — Kevin Indig
Not just for musicians or creatives, this is relevant to everyone. A beautiful read. — Luke Flanagan
This book may seem to be targeting musicians, but the ideas can be successfully applied to other areas including business, marketing, and building an audience.
Thought-provoking and beautifully written. Highly recommended. — Magnus Ramstad DahlThis is a great book if you're in the music business/industry. It's also a great book even if you aren't. Written concisely, it zings with useful and usable information. — Barry Mc Cabe
This book goes beyond music. Even if you are not an artist in real terms this book is packed with invaluable business and self development hints. — Marc Andreu Fernàndez
Excellent marketing advice! Derek always has a somewhat 'unconventional' way of running a business and reaching people by keeping it completely honest with no hidden agendas. — Tyler Cornett
Frankly, I'm not really interested in music. But I appreciate what Derek has to say. None of what he writes is entirely unique. However, he has an original and creative way of combining things which I guess is kind of like making music. And I am glad he shares these thoughts/ideas with us. His writing is concise and effective. I really appreciate this since it saves me time and cuts out the noise. — Jeff Char
Through stories and examples from musicians and the music industry, Derek provides suggestions and advice that are applicable to everyone, not just musicians. Highly recommended. — David Quadhamer
This is a great book to read when you've finished making music, and need to get it out there. The creativity continues! This book inspires! — Steve Kopandy
As someone who started reading Derek’s general writing, I was stoked when he came out with a book on music given this was such a big part of his life; both as a musician and with CD Baby. I enjoyed the lesson on getting really specific with your genre and style; it’s a principle that translates well into other areas of life. — Dan Cullum
Derek always brings a refreshing new perspective to life and relationships. He is someone I always turn to when society has lead me into a rut. His books and writings are always worth re-reading. — John Isler
At first glance, "Your music and people" may seem useful only for musicians, but in reality it is a great one to have around for all artists, entrepeneurs and creative people who want to think outside the box.
I read it more than once and loved it! — Lucas AbduchI particularly loved Derek's encouragement to extend creativity past the edges of the canvas.
Even though the book is focused on helping musicians in the music industry, the marketing concepts and ideas can be applied to all businesses. If you own a business, this is worth the read/listen, it will certainly get your creative juices flowing. — Irene StrongThis is a must read book. Music is a great metaphor to think about work and life! — Daniel Wildt
Not just for musicians! Can be applied to many aspects of life. — Ben Francom
Super practical, useful book.
Started a ‘conversation log’ with my friends and family based on advice from this book where I track the main points in what was said. Have maintained it for over a year; has made people think that I’m super thoughtful and have an excellent memory (when really I just make the effort to take a few quick notes). Valuable stuff! — Alister ParsonsTo be upfront, I am not a music person at all. However, at the time of reading this book, I was starting out with my own personal website and writings and the lessons learned Derek describes in Your Music and People was easily transferable to my situation. Thus, I can only recommend this book for all people trying to do something on their own, whether in the music industry, as a content creator (as it is called nowadays), as an author or as an entrepreneur.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Derek. — Kevin DrechslerBefore reading any of the "popular" music business books you have to read this one. None of that knowledge will work if you don't develop the skills suggested in this book. Also, this advice works for any career! — Santiago Granados-Mann
I often come back to this book for inspiration and copy pieces to share with friends. It applies to any creative art and business,not only to "music". — Adolph van der Walt
Derek Sivers is one of my heroes. His trailblazing achievements are instantly understood through his writing. His books read like timeless pamphlets and broadsheets. Sivers books should be on everybody's book shelf. — Mike Dawson
After reading "Your Music and People:Creative and Considerate fame" I realized that you are clearly spying on me and know all of the issues that are making me get in my way. I appreciate that you do this so that you can research a book to help me go where i want to be, but i think enough's enough...And stop reading my mind! It's an invasion of privacy!!!
I hope the above brought a smile to your mind.
I really enjoyed the book. Honestly felt like you wrote it for me. Your brief but packed-with-sense format was perfect. I'll be reading it again and recommending it to friends.
thanks so much — Gautam MalhotraThough I'm not in the music business, I love hearing Derek talk about it. There are a bunch of useful parallels I can take to my life as an entrepreneur and fitness coach. — Lance Goyke
I am not musician. I am magician. And yet each and every chapter is so insightful and usable in my field that it helped me tremendously! Love it! — Maciej Kulhawik
I'm not a real musician (yet), still I was able to learn a lot about how to develop your professional self. Thank you! — Constantin Gonzalez
I loved every bit of concise (and often contrarian) advice offered, all in a super accessible format. Bought a second copy for my cousin who's just starting his music career and told him this book will be an indispensable resource. — John Luxford
I really like this book. It has a lot to say, very clearly, with a lot of passion/respect and with merited authority. It's also fun! It's about being open minded, resourceful, playful, creative, successful. It's a great read.
Now on my second copy, writing pages of notes on the book, re-intaking/digesting the information; growing as much as I can from it. Definitely recommended! (PS I'm a magician, not a musician) — Sasha CrespiThis book came to me at the perfect moment, about to release a new record. It was not only full of crystal clear advice and insight specific to independent musicians, but also deeply inspiring. My favorite quote, 'Find what you love and let it kill you'. Definitely a book you want to come back to every so often, I read it twice already. Derek is true to his style, simple, piercing and to the point. He makes you want to get to work right away. I'm super grateful for him sharing this knowledge and enthusiasm about being a musician. — Tilo Dell'Oro Maini
Refreshingly succinct is an understatement.
Each page is invaluable in its own right.
To top it off, Derek is such a human. His human-ness shines through in the writing and reading, and if that's not enough just send him an email! But take a page out of his book. Be succinct. — Tim FersonAs a hobbyist musician and a fan of Derek's writing, I had to go through this book. I first listened to it and had this interesting experience: I'm driving on a road trip listening to the book, and I notice that I have my attention on Derek's words, instead of on the road! I had to stop the audio so I could finish listening to it when I wasn't driving. Then, I immediately pick up the printed copy so I can highlight passages and write down my notes. Yes, that's how much I enjoyed the book.
This book also resonates with me because if we replace "music" and related terms with things I do in my professional life, it still works beautifully, and without all the extra fat we normally get in business books.
In fact, a co-worker approached me a while ago to co-present a talk that relates music and our business, and I'll totally be drawing inspiration from this book as well! — Claudio LassalaI underlined a lot, and will review those passages regularly. The most memorable parts are the stories - buying pizza for the Berklee class when you overheard the guest lecturer say he hadn't had time for lunch, Griffin House telling the audience to take a CD even if they couldn't afford to pay, the 3 Warner Chappell songwriters who gave surprise gifts to the unknown guy at the bottom of the totem pole, and the guy who sold 8000 of his album by driving around at night playing it loud thru his car speakers. Many valuable tips from somebody who saw the business from both sides. Thank God for CDBaby. — Bill Collins
Each advice is gold. Not just for musicians, but for promotion in general. Highly recommend it. — Daniel Jude
A must-read book for any creative, freelancer, entrepreneur, or leader. It's chock full of vintage Derek Sivers mic drops, wisdom, and hilarious anecdotes. — Peter Shepherd
Derek's book Your Music Your People has inevitably become a classic for musicians and other creatives, and a book that you want to have readily accessible. You probably won't remember all of the wisdom in this book all at once since it’s so concentrated, so you'll want to refer to it periodically, and come back to it over and over again. On the other hand, it’s a super easy read, and there is no filer. It’s just the best parts, with a few brief stories here and there to add context. It's the perfect gift for any musician: young or old, just starting out, extremely experienced, and everyone in-between. — Robert Paterson
The book title says music, but it's so much more than that. It's about life and how to make it worthwhile. I'd recommend it to everyone. — Ken Liu
Derek is a wonderfully insightful human and this book is a portal into his mind. It has helped me immensely get out of the cycle of perfectionism in my creative expression and given me the confidence to share it with the world. For that I'm grateful, go ahead give the book a try if you dare! — Nick Macchione
Don't be fooled by the title. Of course Derek comes from the music industry so that's what he will most competently refer to, but he's using that industry as a backdrop to talk about life and business, specifically the creative kind. — Stephen Heiner
This book is incredible. Derek has a way of making things/process which seem daunting and complicated feel natural, and simple. What was particularly insightful/helpful for me was seeing marketing actually as a continuation of my art, rather than being separate from it. Thank you Derek! — Aaron Feeney
Being an independent musician is hard! But Derek breaks down his best philosophies and strategies in a framework that anyone can follow. No filler, just a ton of useful knowledge in a quick read. If you're a musician, you need this book. LOVE the girl that reads the audiobook chapter titles too! LOL. — Grant
A beautiful collection of easily digestible real-world stories about learning and growing as both an artist and a person. With invitations to embrace risk and authenticity in conjunction with practicality, the book is a must read for new artists and seasoned veterans alike. — Nick Depew
A quick read, but full of actionable ideas for musicians at any level. — Arlo Leach
I bought a physical copy of this, which is nice to have. He writes counterintuitive wisdoms, which are the only kind some of us can handle in a "self help" book.
For artists who are a bit unusual and find other advice about marketing or life direction to not apply, this is probably your book. — keef nilesI think the title of this book is a bit misleading, because these are universal insights into dealing with personal development, goals, achievement, and interacting with other humans and the world.
Just because its written from a music business point of view that shouldn't cause it to be dismissed by non-music-business-types. — Simon ChadwickI have read this book 4 times now. There is so much gold in it that I didn't want to miss any. On the 3rd reading, I replaced the word "musician" with "writer", and I think all the wisdom works equally well for that creative pursuit also. As we used to say about records, this book is "all killer, no filler." — Ian Blakeslee
Derek Sivers shares his wisdom about the musical world that traditional music schools don't teach you. His insights and experiences about the business side of music are very refreshing! Two thumbs up! — Emilie Lin
Awesome advice about personal marketing that can fit non-musicians just as well. Written in Derek Sivers' unique style.
Also, the audio version is amazing — Ron SuhodrevIt's a fantastic book about "the other side" of living out of your creative endeavours.
Some chapters are really geared towards musicians but I found that most of the advice in this book was applicable to me as a product designer. — Rodrigo Maia“Your Music and People” is a book that I find myself going back to again and again. It’s full of useful advice for making it in the music business. On top of that, Derek shares his wonderful insight on the creative process and how listeners actually hear your music. There are passages in this book that after the first reading have stuck with me months later and inform my own creative process. It is on my list of books that I will be re-reading in the very near future. — Matt Romagna
Every single arts non-profit needs to read this book. I wanted to send a screenshot of every page to the board of the arts non-profit I am on- they need to hear it blasted into their souls that business is creative too!
Board meetings can get so tense around fundraising. I am going to send them to buy this before the next meeting. — Crystal CaroDerek Sivers is like that big brother I always wish I had! In this book, he shares useful & practical tips that just make so much sense you'd want to go out and be creative rightaway! — Jasmine Low
a compilation of Derek's blog posts loosely related to the book's title. Very inspiring droplets, with each chapter standing on its own. Works very well for picking up sporadically, re-reading one or a few from time to time and getting a boost from quick, exciting and potentially life-changing lessons. — Bernardo Salazar
Some tips in this book seem so obvious, but beginners to marketing may make those mistakes easily. (Tips like "don't be a mosquito", and "think what the other party wants", and so on).
Other people have learnt these lessons the hard way, and I can benefit from their experience through this book. — Tony ChenImagine getting well thought trough advice from your smarter, greater experienced best friend. Who only has your better interests at heart. This is what these books read like.
Well written with a sense of warmth woven throughout. Beautifully concise yet with a lovely flow.
I got hard cover copies (signed! Thanks, Derek) and was delighted I did so. As these are books you'll be returning to over the years, with every page to second page ear marked for reference.
Don't think 'Your Music and People' is for musicians. It is, but it's mainly for every person interested in making their mark in any industry. Indeed, the books combined, are for anyone interested in making their mark in life. Whatever their path. — Will GriffithI liked the story of how to price a gig : $1500 for 2 hour, or $2000 for 1 hour. Brilliant.
This book is an extremely powerful and succinct treatise of what it takes to get in touch with what matters the most in the music world..... from a man who knows, Derek Sivers hits all the right points. Believe in your self, and never give up. And I love the color of the Hardcover: Prince Purple, my favorite color.
I highly recommend this book by Derek Sivers. I am glad it is a Hardcover, as you will read it over and over and carry it around,and the hardcover will hold up well — Dennis MassaInspirational, thought-provoking, sincere, and speaks directly to the task of creating a strategy for conducting ones life. I was so inspired that I used many of the ideas that spoke to me to write a poem entitled Strategy, that is part of a larger work dedicated to my grandkids. — Rick Fogel
Bite sized chunks of wisdom to digest and implement. — Staci Katsivalis
Derek's writing is engaging, entertaining and encouraging. Highly recommend this book for anyone musician or creative soul. — Gavin Simpson
What a great little book with applicable and actionable advice that can lead to success in every industry! — Vitali Verkhovski
Not a musician, but assumed there was plenty of life/business advice for non musicians. I was correct. Good stories, good anecdotes, good ideas and good thoughts. Overall a good book and concise. An easy read. recommended. — John Jolly
I am not a musician. But every single bit of advice is transferable. At least it was for me.
While not everything rang as important due to my place in life right now, a lot did. And I gained a lot of insights into myself and how to think about things in a different way to break from current patterns. — Sven DöringDerek is absolutely brilliant. He’s a constant reminder to keep things simple, and cut to the core of an idea. No more, no less. This book is a perfect example of that and quite possibly the only book you need to read in all of the music industry. 10/10 — Andrew Cramb
Extends beyond music and found the chapter on networking useful/practical for an introvert like me. — Yi Peng Neo
From a reader of Anything You Want and Hell Yeah or No, another great read no doubt! — Martin Vista
I vibe with Derek and have followed him for years. And, as a musician AND editor, I love how succinctly he offers his useful suggestions. Thanks, Derek! — Wendy Cobina DeMos
Chock full of useful ideas for how to succeed, fueled by motivational fire that is classic Sivers. — Brant Huddleston
Great book! Def recommend to others. Keep spreading the insight and wisdom, Derek. HIGHLY RECOMMEND — Bob Peace
Although I am not a musician, as a writer I still enjoyed this book as it was full of uplifting messages and inspiring stories. It only gets 4 stars rather than 5 as I like books to be books with a beginning, middle and end, an overall arc. But if you are a creative of any sort and would like a gentle kick in the proverbial, this is a great book to pick up from time to time. — Julie Schooler
Vignettes. Sweet pieces of experiential and existential tips and tricks. — Jim Glinn
Well written and lots of great takeaways. A fun and interesting read, first and foremost for creative people, but for others as well. The author, Derek Sivers, shares such good advice. Take aways from his life, served on a silver platter. So true - it's always all about people, in every way. Thank you! — Tine Bach
I used to think I bought Derek’s books to support him - not financially. It turns out it’s the complete opposite. Ha! — Yalda Nemat
"Why you need a database" has probably impacted my business more than any other piece of writing. It's one of the gems found in this book. Read it! — Russell Smith
The best thing I can say about this is I'm not currently pursuing a career in music yet found it full of valuable information that can be applied to all aspects of life. — Stephen Morrison
I'm not a musician, but my daughter is. So I threatened never more to speak to her if she didn't read this book immediately. She did and thanked me for the pressure. — Jayme Kopke
Hi Derek, I enjoyed this book the first time I read it and I've opened it to random pages over and over many times. Each time, I get a lift from wherever I land. My favorite and most useful chapters are This Is Only A Test and Restrictions Will Set You Free.
Thanks for all your work and I'm looking forward to buying your new book! — Jay HittMore no nonsense thoughts from Derek. Relevant to more than just music people. — James P Hart
Once again Derek Sivers finds a way to distill an amazing amount of information in a concise fashion. Each one of the chapters has wisdom you can act upon — Prasun Prakash
This book will enable you to effectively communicate with any type of person. It doesn't only apply to sales&marketing but also your personal life's communication issue. — Aero Wong
The musician's bible. — Ray Holroyd
I found this clear and relatable. Even though I stopped working as a musician, it felt relevant throughout (you don't need to play an instrument to find helpful thoughts in here). — Antonius Koch
How to keep in touch with other people? Use a database. Very helpful for me. Love it! — Наиля Шаймарданова
It is not (only) about music, it is about living. — Ricardo Cardoso
Thank you for taking the time write yet another excellent book, Derek. — Jim Miller
If you're a musician, you should definitely read this book.
I'm not though.
I found the advice about keeping in touch with people really helpful. And the whole book is very practical.
Also, Derek is super generous. Some kind of good soul. So if there is even a little skerrick of altruism in why you are looking at this book, buy it for that. Not that Derek needs fans, but that like, applause, and paying for someone's good work, that is a generous act of itself. So it's worth you buying. — David BThoughtful perspectives from someone who's done it all in the music biz! — Freddie Long
I do not recommend eating this book. Not even ketchup would make it taste good.
READING it, however… that’s another story!
Lots of food for thought, easily digested small chunks of ideas, motivation, encouragement, stories - written by a friend who really does wish you well.
I’ve read - no, I’m still reading it - multiple times. Sometimes straight through, sometimes a random page or 2 or 3.
Always good. Always.
But save the ketchup for the burger….. — Tom RuleA good place to go if you want a lot of mythology dispelled. A look at the inside of the music business by a participant with lots of helpful pathways for the differing types of people to wander down. Pick the trail that fits you! I hope Derek updates this book in the future as he learns new developments. His view of the business is illuminating and flexible. What more could a person ask for? — Steve Kusaba
Bought this book and was not disappointed. Derek has some creative out of the box ideas that can be put into action right away, along with some good old common sense. — Rob Lincoln
I got this book for my son who makes music for a living, but I read as well and loved it! — Jim Gunther
As an indie musician, I have been following Derek for a while. Love his perspective on music and the music business. Always very helpful and insightful. — Eric John Kaiser
As everything Derek, this book is profoundly human, to the point and devoid of conventional BS. Really enjoyed it. — Juan Colón
I purchased this book for my brother who has always dreamed of being in the music industry. He said he is enjoying it. Thank you! — Shawn
It's practical and fun. It seems a lot of the experiences apply to life in general too. — Simon Honeychurch
Very helpful and easy to read. I can definitely recommend it! — Thomas Schweizer
When music teaches you more on life than words. Look no further. — Eric Noel
Derek is such a pleasure to read, comforting, helpful, kind, funny. Perfect. — Travis Hellstrom
Derek does a great job of delivering lessons for any part of your life, all while talking only about what he knows.
Worth every minute of your time and investment. — Jesse BernalLoved the book - nailed it — Jim Varga
Very Informative, Complete Empowering Blessing !!! — Carey B Grant
Worth re-reading every few years to make sure things truly sink in. — Drew Stegmaier
I like. A short read, straight to the point. — Miso
Very useful — Pierluigi Potalivo
Super inspiring, creative and elevating. Derek is one of my best friends (without knowing it!) — Julia Stokes
Nothing to say, except: Since the beginning of my first CD-Release on CD-Baby (when it was still Derek´s baby), I loved his tips and writings and felt deeply inspired. On top of it, they are easy and fun to read and every topic he writes about is right to the point. Keep going Derek! I love it! ;-) — Karin Melchert
This gave me lots to think about and also some great ideas! — Eero Saunamäki
From the guy who started it all, a compendium on how to be a musician and a human being at the same time.
Trey Gunn — Trey GunnI have held many crazy ideas about marketing in the music world and this book confirms many of them and is the first where I heard them - except for my own mouth or head ...
Of course I am biased, but I have not done poorly in the music industry. Derek has done much better, so I guess the advice is helpful ;-) — Andi RohdeFrank and prompting. Good advice for non-musicians (and great advice for musicians). — Kevin Gallant
I'm not much of a wordsmith. Great book, you should read it! — Benny Weinbeck
Derek, thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspirations. I have sent the link for this book to my sister who is trying to figure out how to push herself into the type of music success she dreams and is capable of. There are many things I like about the book. It is succinct, reader friendly, substantive and inspiring. I like that the book is a purple hardcover with your pic and siggy in the back, a nice and personal touch to a great effort. This work met my expectations and beyond, so no need for "improvement suggestions" at all. Thanks! — Nora Lucille Bickett
I love plums ! How fitting ,it was of Derek to choose that color, for the cover of his smart book , titled Your Music And People .
A book for smart people . — Bobby Lee CudeDo yourself a favor and read or listen to the audio version of this book. You certainly wont regret it. w — Tony Isgrove
Love reading the content in paper form. — Shannan H
I always feel upbeat after reading anything you write. Thanks! — Jim Zachar
I was already quite familiar with lots of Derek's sound advice, so wasn't sure what to expect from this compilation. There was lots of material new to me, and, as usual, well worth reading. Also, great to have in a single volume. Highly recommended. — Matthew Labarge
Perfect gift for any musicians — Jason Nguyen
How to succeed in Music by really trying! (And not wasting valuable time doing it!) — Albert Blatter
I really enjoyed Your Music and People because it taught me how to focus on the people that are part of my tribe. — Sam Havelock
DO NOT READ THIS BOOK if you don't want to launch your imagination into a new realm of possibilities to get your creative endeavors out into the universe.
Also, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE AUDIOBOOK if you don't want to be enchanted by a Scottish pixie finding eighty-eight unique ways to introduce the chapter numbers. — Matt BaxterI don't even own a music business and I loved this! So great- I just love Derek's simple and wonderful lessons and observations. Huge Fan! — Lindsay Scherr
Here is the link to my French review of his book Your Music and People. I loved the book but if you want to know more about my opinion, just click.
https://phrenssynnes.ca/2020/07/11/votre-musique-et-les-gens-de-derek-sivers/#more-1967 — Francine BoilardIt's really inspiring, written with short simple direct sentences, giving you a bit of a daily to do whilst picking you up, when in doubt. Thank you, seriously. — Daniel Richard Bogacki
Excellent, excellent advise on a matter of subjects. Highly recommend! — Sylvia Edney
I'm fortunate to call Derek a friend, He has always been an inspiration and someone I've learned from. this book is a fine example of that. — Eric Petersen